Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43834&edit=1

 ID:                 43834
 Comment by:         neweracracker at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        jaco at jump dot co dot za
 Summary:            zend_mm_shutdown - Apache Crash
 Status:             No Feedback
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   Windows 2003
 PHP Version:        5.2CVS-2008-01-14 (snap)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

I can also reproduce this bug, this happens when php code is ran under high 

Apache bench utility could be used to reproduce this,

Apache must be configured to use 32 ThreadsPerChild in order for this to be 
reproducible with fewer concurrent connections.

Test Script:
$link = mysqli_connect('','root','password');
echo 'OK';

Apache bench:
ab -n 1000 -c 500

Previous Comments:
[2010-04-11 00:42:18] qq12345 at web dot de

For me the same:
Since update to PHP 5.3.1 in conjunction with Apache 2.2.14

We have only 100 page impressions per day.
By random per day around 4 crashes.

Modul: php5ts.dll
In the dump:
Funktion: php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown
        00dcc1b1 45               inc     ebp
        00dcc1b2 14ba             adc     al,0xba
        00dcc1b4 0100             add     [eax],eax
        00dcc1b6 0000             add     [eax],al
        00dcc1b8 8bcf             mov     ecx,edi
        00dcc1ba d3e2             shl     edx,cl
        00dcc1bc f7d2             not     edx
        00dcc1be 23c2             and     eax,edx
        00dcc1c0 894514           mov     [ebp+0x14],eax
        00dcc1c3 e90d010000       jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc1c8 8b4f18           mov     ecx,[edi+0x18]
        00dcc1cb 33c0             xor     eax,eax
        00dcc1cd 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1cf 0f95c0           setne   al
        00dcc1d2 8b4c8714         mov     ecx,[edi+eax*4+0x14]
        00dcc1d6 8d448714         lea     eax,[edi+eax*4+0x14]
        00dcc1da 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1dc 741a             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf88 
        00dcc1de 8bf9             mov     edi,ecx
        00dcc1e0 8bd0             mov     edx,eax
        00dcc1e2 33c9             xor     ecx,ecx
        00dcc1e4 8b4718           mov     eax,[edi+0x18]
        00dcc1e7 85c0             test    eax,eax
        00dcc1e9 0f95c1           setne   cl
        00dcc1ec 8d448f14         lea     eax,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc1f0 8b4c8f14         mov     ecx,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc1f4 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1f6 75e6             jnz     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf6e 
        00dcc1f8 c70200000000     mov     dword ptr [edx],0x0
        00dcc1fe eb6a             jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xffa 
FEHLER ->00dcc200 395f0c           cmp     [edi+0xc],ebx     
        00dcc203 7505             jnz     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf9a 
        00dcc205 395908           cmp     [ecx+0x8],ebx
        00dcc208 7411             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xfab 
        00dcc20a 68c4cc1301       push    0x113ccc4
        00dcc20f e85cf6ffff       call    php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x600 
        00dcc214 8b4c2418         mov     ecx,[esp+0x18]
        00dcc218 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00dcc21b 894f0c           mov     [edi+0xc],ecx
        00dcc21e 897908           mov     [ecx+0x8],edi
        00dcc221 8b03             mov     eax,[ebx]
        00dcc223 3d10010000       cmp     eax,0x110
        00dcc228 7339             jnb     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xff3 
        00dcc22a 3bf9             cmp     edi,ecx
        00dcc22c 0f85a3000000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc232 c1e803           shr     eax,0x3
        00dcc235 83e802           sub     eax,0x2
        00dcc238 8b94c5d0000000   mov     edx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd0]
        00dcc23f 8b8cc5d4000000   mov     ecx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd4]
        00dcc246 3bd1             cmp     edx,ecx
        00dcc248 0f8587000000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc24e ba01000000       mov     edx,0x1
        00dcc253 8bc8             mov     ecx,eax
        00dcc255 8b4510           mov     eax,[ebp+0x10]
        00dcc258 d3e2             shl     edx,cl
        00dcc25a f7d2             not     edx
        00dcc25c 23c2             and     eax,edx
        00dcc25e 894510           mov     [ebp+0x10],eax
        00dcc261 eb72             jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc263 8b4310           mov     eax,[ebx+0x10]
        00dcc266 85c0             test    eax,eax
Anwendungsausnahme aufgetreten:
        Anwendung: ....\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe (pid=2804)
        Wann: 31.03.2010 @ 04:58:57.478
        Ausnahmenummer: c0000005 (Zugriffsverletzung)
Funktion: php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown
        00dcc2a0 cc               int     3
        00dcc2a1 f5               cmc
        00dcc2a2 ffff             ???
        00dcc2a4 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00dcc2a7 8b5714           mov     edx,[edi+0x14]
        00dcc2aa 8d4714           lea     eax,[edi+0x14]
        00dcc2ad 894210           mov     [edx+0x10],eax
        00dcc2b0 8b4318           mov     eax,[ebx+0x18]
        00dcc2b3 83c718           add     edi,0x18
        00dcc2b6 85c0             test    eax,eax
        00dcc2b8 8907             mov     [edi],eax
        00dcc2ba 7419             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc2bc 8b4810           mov     ecx,[eax+0x10]
        00dcc2bf 3901             cmp     [ecx],eax
        00dcc2c1 740d             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1060 
        00dcc2c3 68c4cc1301       push    0x113ccc4
        00dcc2c8 e8a3f5ffff       call    php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x600 
        00dcc2cd 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00dcc2d0 8b17             mov     edx,[edi]
        00dcc2d2 897a10           mov     [edx+0x10],edi
        00dcc2d5 8b03             mov     eax,[ebx]
        00dcc2d7 8b4c2418         mov     ecx,[esp+0x18]
        00dcc2db 03c8             add     ecx,eax
        00dcc2dd 894c2418         mov     [esp+0x18],ecx
        00dcc2e1 8bf9             mov     edi,ecx
        00dcc2e3 8b4604           mov     eax,[esi+0x4]
        00dcc2e6 a801             test    al,0x1
        00dcc2e8 0f85a2010000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1220 
        00dcc2ee 24fc             and     al,0xfc
        00dcc2f0 2bf0             sub     esi,eax
FEHLER ->00dcc2f2 8b7e08           mov     edi,[esi+0x8]     
        00dcc2f5 8b5e0c           mov     ebx,[esi+0xc]
        00dcc2f8 3bfe             cmp     edi,esi
        00dcc2fa 0f85b3000000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1143 
        00dcc300 3bde             cmp     ebx,esi
        00dcc302 740d             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x10a1 
        00dcc304 68c4cc1301       push    0x113ccc4
        00dcc309 e862f5ffff       call    php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x600 
        00dcc30e 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00dcc311 8b5618           mov     edx,[esi+0x18]
        00dcc314 33c9             xor     ecx,ecx
        00dcc316 85d2             test    edx,edx
        00dcc318 0f95c1           setne   cl
        00dcc31b 8b7c8e14         mov     edi,[esi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc31f 8d548e14         lea     edx,[esi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc323 85ff             test    edi,edi
        00dcc325 7554             jnz     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x110b 
        00dcc327 8b16             mov     edx,[esi]
        00dcc329 89542414         mov     [esp+0x14],edx
        00dcc32d 0fbd442414       bsr     eax,[esp+0x14]
        00dcc332 8bf8             mov     edi,eax
        00dcc334 8b4610           mov     eax,[esi+0x10]
        00dcc337 3930             cmp     [eax],esi
        00dcc339 740d             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x10d8 
        00dcc33b 68c4cc1301       push    0x113ccc4
        00dcc340 e82bf5ffff       call    php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x600 
        00dcc345 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00dcc348 8b4e10           mov     ecx,[esi+0x10]
        00dcc34b 8d94bdd0010000   lea     edx,[ebp+edi*4+0x1d0]
        00dcc352 c70100000000     mov     dword ptr [ecx],0x0
        00dcc358 8b4610           mov     eax,[esi+0x10]
Anwendungsausnahme aufgetreten:
        Anwendung: ...\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe (pid=3184)
        Wann: 31.03.2010 @ 05:08:57.478
        Ausnahmenummer: c0000005 (Zugriffsverletzung)
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for 
C:\avinotec\xampp\php\php5ts.dll - 
Funktion: php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown
        00dcc1b1 45               inc     ebp
        00dcc1b2 14ba             adc     al,0xba
        00dcc1b4 0100             add     [eax],eax
        00dcc1b6 0000             add     [eax],al
        00dcc1b8 8bcf             mov     ecx,edi
        00dcc1ba d3e2             shl     edx,cl
        00dcc1bc f7d2             not     edx
        00dcc1be 23c2             and     eax,edx
        00dcc1c0 894514           mov     [ebp+0x14],eax
        00dcc1c3 e90d010000       jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc1c8 8b4f18           mov     ecx,[edi+0x18]
        00dcc1cb 33c0             xor     eax,eax
        00dcc1cd 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1cf 0f95c0           setne   al
        00dcc1d2 8b4c8714         mov     ecx,[edi+eax*4+0x14]
        00dcc1d6 8d448714         lea     eax,[edi+eax*4+0x14]
        00dcc1da 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1dc 741a             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf88 
        00dcc1de 8bf9             mov     edi,ecx
        00dcc1e0 8bd0             mov     edx,eax
        00dcc1e2 33c9             xor     ecx,ecx
        00dcc1e4 8b4718           mov     eax,[edi+0x18]
        00dcc1e7 85c0             test    eax,eax
        00dcc1e9 0f95c1           setne   cl
        00dcc1ec 8d448f14         lea     eax,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc1f0 8b4c8f14         mov     ecx,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc1f4 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1f6 75e6             jnz     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf6e 
        00dcc1f8 c70200000000     mov     dword ptr [edx],0x0
        00dcc1fe eb6a             jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xffa 
FEHLER ->00dcc200 395f0c           cmp     [edi+0xc],ebx     
        00dcc203 7505             jnz     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf9a 
        00dcc205 395908           cmp     [ecx+0x8],ebx
        00dcc208 7411             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xfab 
        00dcc20a 68c4cc1301       push    0x113ccc4
        00dcc20f e85cf6ffff       call    php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x600 
        00dcc214 8b4c2418         mov     ecx,[esp+0x18]
        00dcc218 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00dcc21b 894f0c           mov     [edi+0xc],ecx
        00dcc21e 897908           mov     [ecx+0x8],edi
        00dcc221 8b03             mov     eax,[ebx]
        00dcc223 3d10010000       cmp     eax,0x110
        00dcc228 7339             jnb     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xff3 
        00dcc22a 3bf9             cmp     edi,ecx
        00dcc22c 0f85a3000000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc232 c1e803           shr     eax,0x3
        00dcc235 83e802           sub     eax,0x2
        00dcc238 8b94c5d0000000   mov     edx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd0]
        00dcc23f 8b8cc5d4000000   mov     ecx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd4]
        00dcc246 3bd1             cmp     edx,ecx
        00dcc248 0f8587000000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc24e ba01000000       mov     edx,0x1
        00dcc253 8bc8             mov     ecx,eax
        00dcc255 8b4510           mov     eax,[ebp+0x10]
        00dcc258 d3e2             shl     edx,cl
        00dcc25a f7d2             not     edx
        00dcc25c 23c2             and     eax,edx
        00dcc25e 894510           mov     [ebp+0x10],eax
        00dcc261 eb72             jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc263 8b4310           mov     eax,[ebx+0x10]
        00dcc266 85c0             test    eax,eax
Anwendungsausnahme aufgetreten:
        Anwendung: ....\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe (pid=1392)
        Wann: 31.03.2010 @ 10:28:57.510
        Ausnahmenummer: c0000005 (Zugriffsverletzung)
Funktion: php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown
        00dcc1b1 45               inc     ebp
        00dcc1b2 14ba             adc     al,0xba
        00dcc1b4 0100             add     [eax],eax
        00dcc1b6 0000             add     [eax],al
        00dcc1b8 8bcf             mov     ecx,edi
        00dcc1ba d3e2             shl     edx,cl
        00dcc1bc f7d2             not     edx
        00dcc1be 23c2             and     eax,edx
        00dcc1c0 894514           mov     [ebp+0x14],eax
        00dcc1c3 e90d010000       jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc1c8 8b4f18           mov     ecx,[edi+0x18]
        00dcc1cb 33c0             xor     eax,eax
        00dcc1cd 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1cf 0f95c0           setne   al
        00dcc1d2 8b4c8714         mov     ecx,[edi+eax*4+0x14]
        00dcc1d6 8d448714         lea     eax,[edi+eax*4+0x14]
        00dcc1da 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1dc 741a             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf88 
        00dcc1de 8bf9             mov     edi,ecx
        00dcc1e0 8bd0             mov     edx,eax
        00dcc1e2 33c9             xor     ecx,ecx
        00dcc1e4 8b4718           mov     eax,[edi+0x18]
        00dcc1e7 85c0             test    eax,eax
        00dcc1e9 0f95c1           setne   cl
        00dcc1ec 8d448f14         lea     eax,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc1f0 8b4c8f14         mov     ecx,[edi+ecx*4+0x14]
        00dcc1f4 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
        00dcc1f6 75e6             jnz     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf6e 
        00dcc1f8 c70200000000     mov     dword ptr [edx],0x0
        00dcc1fe eb6a             jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xffa 
FEHLER ->00dcc200 395f0c           cmp     [edi+0xc],ebx     
        00dcc203 7505             jnz     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xf9a 
        00dcc205 395908           cmp     [ecx+0x8],ebx
        00dcc208 7411             jz      php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xfab 
        00dcc20a 68c4cc1301       push    0x113ccc4
        00dcc20f e85cf6ffff       call    php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x600 
        00dcc214 8b4c2418         mov     ecx,[esp+0x18]
        00dcc218 83c404           add     esp,0x4
        00dcc21b 894f0c           mov     [edi+0xc],ecx
        00dcc21e 897908           mov     [ecx+0x8],edi
        00dcc221 8b03             mov     eax,[ebx]
        00dcc223 3d10010000       cmp     eax,0x110
        00dcc228 7339             jnb     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0xff3 
        00dcc22a 3bf9             cmp     edi,ecx
        00dcc22c 0f85a3000000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc232 c1e803           shr     eax,0x3
        00dcc235 83e802           sub     eax,0x2
        00dcc238 8b94c5d0000000   mov     edx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd0]
        00dcc23f 8b8cc5d4000000   mov     ecx,[ebp+eax*8+0xd4]
        00dcc246 3bd1             cmp     edx,ecx
        00dcc248 0f8587000000     jne     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc24e ba01000000       mov     edx,0x1
        00dcc253 8bc8             mov     ecx,eax
        00dcc255 8b4510           mov     eax,[ebp+0x10]
        00dcc258 d3e2             shl     edx,cl
        00dcc25a f7d2             not     edx
        00dcc25c 23c2             and     eax,edx
        00dcc25e 894510           mov     [ebp+0x10],eax
        00dcc261 eb72             jmp     php5ts!zend_mm_shutdown+0x1065 
        00dcc263 8b4310           mov     eax,[ebx+0x10]
        00dcc266 85c0             test    eax,eax
Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l
PHP Version 5.3.1


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43834&edit=1

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