Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61265&edit=1
ID: 61265 Comment by: g...@php.net Reported by: manchokapitancho at gmail dot com Summary: __autoload should know about traits Status: Open Type: Feature/Change Request Package: Class/Object related PHP Version: 5.4.0 Block user comment: N Private report: N New Comment: Could you elaborate a bit on the usecase? Until now, there didn't seem to be the need to handle interfaces differently in an autoloader. Why would you treat traits differently from classes and interfaces? Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2012-03-03 13:10:25] manchokapitancho at gmail dot com Description: ------------ Currently, __autoload is automatically called when a class is not found. As of 5.4.0, it is also called when a trait is not found. It is also called when an interface is not found. Unfortunately, there is no way to understand what type of resource is being autoloaded. So I suggest that a second optional argument is added to __autoload. It can receive three possible values from the PHP engine - for example: AUTOLOAD_CLASS, AUTOLOAD_TRAIT and AUTOLOAD_INSTANCE. This way, a better autoload handling can be achieved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61265&edit=1