Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38409&edit=1

 ID:                 38409
 Comment by:         adria dot cidre at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        yury at shurup dot com
 Summary:            parse_ini_file() looses the type of booleans
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            PHP options/info functions
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 8.04.1
 PHP Version:        5.2.4-2ubuntu5.4 with Suhosin-Patch (cli)
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Still not working on Centos over PHP 5.3.10

Previous Comments:
[2011-12-19 19:21:23] pwinnski at gmail dot com

PHP 5.3.6 on Centos. Still not fixed, so I must explicitly cast to boolean in 
code that reads the ini file.

[2010-08-31 23:33:03] guy dot paddock at redbottledesign dot com

Hrm, it also looks like there's a similar problem for integers -- they become 
integer strings, so is_int() returns FALSE on them.

Why doesn't parse_ini_file() translate values to the appropriate type?

[2010-08-31 17:07:06] guy dot paddock at redbottledesign dot com

I also second the fact that parse_ini_file() should parse booleans as boolean 
types, rather than strings. In my application, the values returned from parsing 
the INI file are checked to ensure that they are the correct type (string, 
bool, int, etc). That way, if the user accidentally typed the wrong value in 
for a setting, they are presented with the appropriate error message, rather 
than having their value interpreted incorrectly.

Unfortunately, the way that parse_ini_file() parses booleans, it converts 
"TRUE" and "FALSE" into "1" or an empty string "", which means that is_bool() 
returns FALSE. I understand perfectly that is_bool() is intended only to 
determine if a variable really is a boolean -- my problem is not with that 
function. My problem is with parse_ini_file()'s counter-intuitive behavior of 
not parsing boolean values into a boolean type. Why else would we want it 
interpreting boolean constants in the first place?

[2008-12-12 14:43:42] yury at shurup dot com

It is very sad that this bug is still not classified, fixed and is perfectly 
reproducible after about 2 years since my original posting. I hope I would be 
able to hack on the sources some day but surely not during the next year to 

[2008-12-12 13:14:15] philipp dot kempgen at amooma dot de

In addition to that I want NULL (unquoted) to be of type NULL.
Unquoted integers => int, unquoted floating point numbers =>


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