Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48724&edit=1

 ID:                 48724
 Patch added by:     tony2...@php.net
 Reported by:        an0nym at narod dot ru
 Summary:            getColumnMeta() doesn't return native_type for BIT,
                     TINYINT and YEAR
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            PDO related
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:        5.3.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

The following patch has been added/updated:

Patch Name: fix-bug-48724.patch
Revision:   1334318775

Previous Comments:
[2009-07-03 16:57:28] u...@php.net

You are free to patch it. 


[2009-07-03 16:30:12] an0nym at narod dot ru

Poor MySQLi developers... they've managed to solve this problem without 

Poor you... you've spent sooo many time for nothing developing this 
function, which works in 35 of 38 cases - this stuff has no 
specification! Wait for a specification - you have a good excuse! 


[2009-07-03 16:17:20] u...@php.net

You are free to write a patch. 

I refuse to work on stuff that has no specification and which may go into any 
direction. That typically ends up in a backwards compatibility nightmare, which 
in particular for an abstraction like PDO makes no sense to me.

The patch may be rather simple. But watch out for different values returned by 
different MySQL versions.

[2009-07-03 15:39:20] an0nym at narod dot ru

> libmysql and mysqlnd behave the same way. If this is decided to be
considered as a bug it is not a mysqlnd bug. 
I agree. This is not a libmysql or mysqlnd bug. This is a PDO (or 
PDO_MySQL) bug.

[2009-07-03 15:31:27] an0nym at narod dot ru

Tell me then, why MySQLi is OK with all the types while PDO is not? 
Nevertheless, it is not just OK, but it is EQUAL in behaviour for all 
the types except TINYINT, BIT and YEAR. 

Don't tell me, please, MySQLi type and PDO native type refer to 
different things. I'm almost sure they don't. At least they shouldn't. 

<?php $PDO=new 
$PDO->exec("CREATE TABLE `test`(
         `tinyint` TINYINT NOT NULL
        ,`smallint` SMALLINT NOT NULL
        ,`mediumint` MEDIUMINT NOT NULL
        ,`int` INT NOT NULL
        ,`bigint` BIGINT NOT NULL
        ,`decimal` DECIMAL NOT NULL
        ,`float` FLOAT NOT NULL
        ,`double` DOUBLE NOT NULL
        ,`bit` BIT(1) NOT NULL
        ,`date` DATE NOT NULL
        ,`datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL
        ,`timestamp` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
        ,`time` TIME NOT NULL
        ,`year` YEAR NOT NULL
        ,`char` CHAR(1) NOT NULL
        ,`varchar` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL
        ,`tinytext` TINYTEXT NOT NULL
        ,`text` TEXT NOT NULL
        ,`mediumtext` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
        ,`longtext` LONGTEXT NOT NULL
        ,`binary` BINARY(1) NOT NULL
        ,`varbinary` VARBINARY(1) NOT NULL
        ,`tinyblob` TINYBLOB NOT NULL
        ,`mediumblob` MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL
        ,`blob` BLOB NOT NULL
        ,`longblob` LONGBLOB NOT NULL
        ,`enum` ENUM('') NOT NULL
        ,`set` SET('') NOT NULL)");
$PDO->exec('INSERT INTO `test`(`tinyint`) VALUES(0)');
$PDO_statement=$PDO->query('SELECT * FROM `test`');
$MySQLi=new mysqli('localhost','anyone','anyone','test');
$MySQLi_result=$MySQLi->query('SELECT * FROM `test`');
$PDO->exec('DROP TABLE `test`'); ?>


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=48724&edit=1

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