Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62279&edit=1

 ID:                 62279
 Updated by:         f...@php.net
 Reported by:        nospam at bigalex dot it
 Summary:            PHP-FPM chroot never-solved problems (extends
 Status:             Analyzed
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            FPM related
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:        Any
 Assigned To:        fat
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

I used pseudo bash syntax but it'll be implemanted inside fpm (with C code)

Previous Comments:
[2012-07-04 16:48:00] nospam at bigalex dot it

Thank your for your support but I'm sorry, I think I didn't understand your 
does php-fpm chroot works starting it from bash, or how could it be implemented 
the way you said (from inside fpm I mean)?

[2012-07-04 10:38:14] f...@php.net

>From my point of view, I'd rather prefer to configure this on the web server 
side (if it's not possible with apache then switch to something else -- aka 
nginx for exemple. If apache does not suit well with fastcgi customizations, 
then ask apache guys :p)

more seriously, I can understand the need. I'll try to look at this to 
dynamicaly adapt fastcgi variables from the chroot env. The following algorithm 
should work:

for variable in  all_fastcgi_variables; do
  if ($_SERVER[$var] =~ /^$chroot(.*)$/); then
    $_SERVER[$var] = $1;

or somehting more restrictive:

  if ($_SERVER[$var] =~ /^$chroot(.*)$/); then
    $_SERVER[$var] = $1;

[2012-06-28 17:45:34] nospam at bigalex dot it

In the meantime, I've already found a way to fix this behaviour: a proxy 
PHP-FPM and Apache.

I needed a caching proxy to be on top of Apache to cache php scripts (I don't 
about static files because what really causes CPU and memory problems is having 
the php processes running), so I've thought to implement a fcgi proxy to be 
among PHP-FPM and Apache.

It does work and does a great job: I didn't need to implement anything about 
HTTP protocol since there's already Apache caring about it; then, caching the 
results from PHP, I can avoid asking FPM to run the already cached pages, 
them away to Apache in an elegant manner. And, of course, the proxy does fix 
wrong variables, removing the chrooted part and making the scripts able to work.

I'm still trying to fix the sources, but since they appears complicated (read: 
messy), and there's no documentation about it or about debugging them, I don't 
think I will fix them before I have more time to spend or having a clue about 
reading the configuration values from fpm_main.c.

Anyway, for anyone interested in it, the proxy has been made using python and 
server and client implementations.

[2012-06-28 16:02:03] graham at wyenet dot net

The symbolic trick does work (as long as the sym link is relative (ie 
../../../chrootpath if you try to link directly from the root, then the symlink 
goes outside the jail and it will still fail).

Anyway thats a very messy hack, and I agree with you, php-fpm creates the 
jails, so it should fix the PHP variables.

Without the symlink, I just get file not found for all calls for scripts. 

If you change fix.cgi_pathinfo = 0 it will run the scripts, but the $_SERVER 
variables will still be wrong... Im sure most people would rather it was fixed 
so that the fix.cgi_pathinfo = 1 works, AND the variables are set correctly... 
But either way would be better than trying to hack in fixes with sym links, 
and/or preloading a fixup script.

I did take a look at the fpm_main.c but also been unable to create my own patch 
for it at this time. Surely it cant be that hard to read the chroot path from 
the configuration file, and remove that from all appropriate server variables, 
or recreate the broken variables some other way.

Symlink is good enough for a test environment, to see what other php functions 
break with the chroot, and to start building a system, but I wouldn't use that 
hack on a production web server.

[2012-06-24 16:25:15] nospam at bigalex dot it

I want to patch the sources, but can't find a way to get from the function 
init_request_info info fpm_main.c the chroot path.
Since the documentation about it lacks, can anyone put me in the right 

I think I need to get the configuration (or add a variable to the worker) about 
the current chroot location. A more safe way to handle it would be to get, from 
the father process, the child's chroot location and filter it before passing 
variables to the child.

Anyway, in both cases, there is lack of documentation and I've still been 
to patch anything, so suggestions would be really appreciated! :)


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