ID:               20772
 Comment by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Output Control
 Operating System: redhat 7.0
 PHP Version:      4.3.0RC2
 New Comment:

Using php4.3.0RC2:
Now I have put a .htaccess file with
php_flag output_buffering Off
and added
at the beginning of the script

and now it works but the script is using 40Mbyte RAM, why?
function seems to load the complete file in memory but in version 4.2.3
it sent it directly to the output without loading it in memory.

Previous Comments:

[2002-12-03 06:43:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

to add to the summary:

php 4.3.0RC2 without output buffering : "unable to
find the server" error.


[2002-12-03 06:41:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Errata corridge:

The script works well adding the "ob_end_clean()" function only if I
use php 4.2.3.

Using php 4.3.0RC2 the script give me a blank document.

I have tried to set
php_flag output_buffering Off
in .htaccess and to comment the "ob_and_clean()" but the script give me
a "unable to find the server" error now (this is also the error that
the script gave me with output buffering activated and no
"ob_end_clean" in php 4.2.3)


php 4.3.0RC2 + output buffering on (without "ob_end_clean()"): "unable
to find the server" error.

php 4.3.0RC2 + output buffering on (with "ob_end_clean()"): "document
contains no data" error.

php 4.2.3 + output buffering on (without "ob_end_clean()"): "unable to
find the server" error.

php 4.2.3 + output buffering on (with "ob_end_clean()"): all is ok.

I have experienced the same "document contains no data" in other
scripts in which i used the "ob_end_clean()" function to deactivate the
output buffering (when I cannot use .htaccess) but these scripts worked
well with php 4.2.3.

Andrea Busia


[2002-12-02 16:50:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the script the last "}" is to delete.


[2002-12-02 16:43:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I try to run this script the server simply exit without giving me

echo "A";
$fd=fopen("aaa/temp", "wb");
echo "B";

The server is configured with output buffering activated (gz_handler),
memory limit enabled (8MB) and the temp file is bigger than 8MByte

I have understand that the problem that the script excedeed the memory
limit and adding, as first line,


the script works, but in the error log there isn't a fatal error or a
warning, nothing; also the access log doesn't log the hit. It's
possible to add a fatal error to let the programmer know what is the


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