Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62358&edit=1

 ID:                 62358
 Comment by:         maciej dot sz at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        maciej dot sz at gmail dot com
 Summary:            Segfault when using traits a lot
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Reproducible crash
 Operating System:   Linux 3.2.0-25-generic Ubuntu
 PHP Version:        5.4.4
 Assigned To:        laruence
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000000094e37d in zend_get_function_declaration (fptr=0x1a6f7a0)
    at /home/maciek/Downloads/php-5.4.6RC1/Zend/zend_compile.c:3052
3052                    memcpy(offset, fptr->common.scope->name, 
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000000000094e37d in zend_get_function_declaration (fptr=0x1a6f7a0)
    at /home/maciek/Downloads/php-5.4.6RC1/Zend/zend_compile.c:3052
#1  0x000000000094f37b in do_inheritance_check_on_method (child=0x1ab5d00, 
    at /home/maciek/Downloads/php-5.4.6RC1/Zend/zend_compile.c:3263

(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x000000000094f37b in do_inheritance_check_on_method (child=0x1ab5d00, 
    at /home/maciek/Downloads/php-5.4.6RC1/Zend/zend_compile.c:3263
3263                            zend_error(E_COMPILE_ERROR, "Declaration of 
%s::%s() must be compatible with %s", ZEND_FN_SCOPE_NAME(child), 
zend_get_function_declaration(child->common.prototype? child->common.prototype 
: parent TSRMLS_CC)); 
(gdb) p *child
$1 = {type = 2 '\002', common = {type = 2 '\002', function_name = 0x1ab5af0 
    scope = 0x1ab5760, fn_flags = 134283520, prototype = 0x1a6f7a0, num_args = 
1, required_num_args = 1, 
    arg_info = 0x1ab6100}, op_array = {type = 2 '\002', function_name = 
0x1ab5af0 "addTlItem", 
    scope = 0x1ab5760, fn_flags = 134283520, prototype = 0x1a6f7a0, num_args = 
1, required_num_args = 1, 
    arg_info = 0x1ab6100, refcount = 0x1a7c650, opcodes = 0x1ad5ad8, last = 35, 
vars = 0x1ab5ea8, 
    last_var = 7, T = 22, brk_cont_array = 0x19ffa18, last_brk_cont = 1, 
try_catch_array = 0x0, 
    last_try_catch = 0, static_variables = 0x0, this_var = 6, 
    filename = 0x7ffff01935c0 
"/usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Generator.php(218) : eval()'d 
code", line_start = 11, line_end = 31, doc_comment = 0x0, doc_comment_len = 0, 
    early_binding = 4294967295, literals = 0x1ab6298, last_literal = 16, 
run_time_cache = 0x0, 
    last_cache_slot = 7, reserved = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, internal_function = 
{type = 2 '\002', 
    function_name = 0x1ab5af0 "addTlItem", scope = 0x1ab5760, fn_flags = 
    prototype = 0x1a6f7a0, num_args = 1, required_num_args = 1, arg_info = 
    handler = 0x1a7c650, module = 0x1ad5ad8}}

(gdb) p *parent
$2 = {type = 2 '\002', common = {type = 2 '\002', function_name = 0x1a83f80 
    scope = 0x1a635c8, fn_flags = 134283528, prototype = 0x1a6f7a0, num_args = 
1, required_num_args = 1, 
    arg_info = 0x1a84338}, op_array = {type = 2 '\002', function_name = 
0x1a83f80 "addTlItem", 
    scope = 0x1a635c8, fn_flags = 134283528, prototype = 0x1a6f7a0, num_args = 
1, required_num_args = 1, 
    arg_info = 0x1a84338, refcount = 0x1a85760, opcodes = 0x1a882a8, last = 25, 
vars = 0x1a87810, 
    last_var = 3, T = 16, brk_cont_array = 0x0, last_brk_cont = 0, 
try_catch_array = 0x0, 
    last_try_catch = 0, static_variables = 0x0, this_var = 2, 
    filename = 0x1a6f0e0 
    line_start = 248, line_end = 260, 
    doc_comment = 0x19eb7b0 "/**\n     * Adds a translation item.\n     *\n     
* @param Item $TlItem\n     * @return IElement Self instance.\n     * @throws 
\\oxio\\frame\\exc\\EElementAlreadyExists When an item of given\n     * part 
name"..., doc_comment_len = 224, early_binding = 4294967295, 
    literals = 0x1a893e8, last_literal = 17, run_time_cache = 0x0, 
last_cache_slot = 9, reserved = {0x0, 
      0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, internal_function = {type = 2 '\002', function_name = 
0x1a83f80 "addTlItem", 
    scope = 0x1a635c8, fn_flags = 134283528, prototype = 0x1a6f7a0, num_args = 
1, required_num_args = 1, 
    arg_info = 0x1a84338, handler = 0x1a85760, module = 0x1a882a8}}

Previous Comments:
[2012-08-20 15:16:25] larue...@php.net

thanks, btw, from the backtrace seems you are playing with reflection ext, but 
test script you provide doesn't

so, could you please provide us the exact test script you use? thanks

[2012-08-20 15:12:32] maciej dot sz at gmail dot com

I could, until I restarted computer to check if it's still there... Now it 
crashes running from bash, but not from gdb console. I'll get back to you as 
soon as it occur again.

[2012-08-20 14:58:29] larue...@php.net

if yes, could you please also print the child and parent out in frame 1 ? it 
be very helpful..


[2012-08-20 14:52:38] larue...@php.net

you can reproduce this in 100% chance?

[2012-08-20 14:48:30] maciej dot sz at gmail dot com

Nope, no cache, not even Xdebug nor Zend debug. Pure PHP compiled with 
following configuration:

'./configure'  '--with-mysql' '--with-pgsql' '--with-zlib' '--enable-calendar' 
'--with-curl' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr' '--with-png-dir=/usr' '--with-gd' 
'--enable-bcmath' '--enable-soap' '--with-pdo-mysql' '--with-pdo-pgsql' 
'--with-pdo-sqlite' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php54/etc' 
'--prefix=/usr/local/php54' '--enable-debug' '--with-mysqli' 
'--enable-mbstring' '--enable-fpm'


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62358&edit=1

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