Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62971&edit=1

 ID:                 62971
 User updated by:    mamfelt at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        mamfelt at gmail dot com
 Summary:            cannot get ./configure and make to both complete -
                     one or the other fails
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Compile Failure
 Operating System:   AIX
 PHP Version:        5.4.6
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

p.s. I have peeked at ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c and the only issue is this is the 
one place in PHP code that is using
// comments

rather than

/* comments */

The AIX compiler can recognize // comments - however, may I interject that this 
is the ONLY file in PHP that seems to be using them. Maybe /* comment */ is the 
norm in PHP and this could be adjusted. Not a bug! just not consistent.

My questions regarding the behavior of --with-sqlite3 is still open.

Thank you for your consideration.

Previous Comments:
[2012-08-30 11:38:53] mamfelt at gmail dot com

reply to pajoye

My first example is: # ./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc 
--mandir=/usr/share/man  --with-sqlite3=/opt 

configure completes correctly, but make fails (also version 5.3.16 - tested 
today, and 5.3.14 from memory.)

Right now I am try to 'not' comment on the reason for a syntax error in the 
embedded sqlite3. That is not exciting to me right now (maybe later).
Right now I am focusing on getting a minimum build complete so I can move on to 
the packaging scripts to create an installp file. Then I shall try to make a 
"maximum" capability - i.e., as many as I get to build - version of php.

If I understand your comment the --help text should be read as:
--without-sqlite3 || --with-sqlite3=DIR

Second question:
If I use the --with-sqlite3=DIR option should make still be trying to build 
(and I assume link) the embedded version? From your comments I would think not.

[2012-08-30 08:01:30] paj...@php.net

sqlite3 is enabled by default, use --without-sqlite3 only if you do not want 
PHP also includes libsqlite as well as part of the distribution, so you do not 
have to install or use the system one. However you can still do it by using:

--with-sqlite3=/usr for example.

[2012-08-30 06:03:33] mamfelt at gmail dot com

FYI: I understand why the 5.2.17 ./configure complained - no intent on sqlite3, 
was just sqlite "back then".

>From below you can see the version of sqlite I have pre-loaded is 3.6.22

root@x104:[/data/prj]find . -name sqlite3.c -ls
733476 4419 -rw-r-----  1 michael   staff      4524415 Aug 15 19:05 
733446   66 -rw-r-----  1 michael   staff        67532 Aug 15 19:05 
292548 4419 -rw-r--r--  1 michael   nobody     4524464 Aug  9  2011 
292518   63 -rw-r--r--  1 michael   nobody       63743 Aug 10  2011 
741218 4419 -rw-r--r--  1 michael   staff      4524426 Aug 15 06:26 
741176   66 -rw-r--r--  1 michael   staff        67221 Aug 15 06:26 
102500 4419 -rw-------  1 michael   staff      4524415 Jun 13 10:18 
102438   66 -rw-------  1 michael   staff        67501 Jun 13 10:18 
329718 4419 -rw-------  1 michael   staff      4524415 Jun 13 06:54 
704810   66 -rw-------  1 michael   staff        67153 Jun 13 06:54 
426064 3782 -rw-r--r--  1 michael   nobody     3872493 Jan  5  2010 

root@x104:[/data/prj]find . -name sqlite.c -ls 
637193   83 -rw-r--r--  1 michael   nobody       84573 Apr 28  2010 
756929   95 -rw-r-----  1 michael   staff        96718 Aug 15 19:05 
553336   95 -rw-r--r--  1 michael   nobody       96804 Jan  1  2011 
119415   95 -rw-------  1 michael   staff        96712 Jun 13 10:18 

root@x104:[/data/prj]lslpp -L | grep sql
  aixtools.sqlite.rte    C     F    sqlite version 3.6.22 

I hope this provides sufficient detail to determine a next step/question. 

p.s. php-5.3.14 and php-5.3.16 also complain about the --without-sqlite3=DIR 
(and also with --without-sqlite=DIR)

root@x104:[/data/prj/php-5.3.16]./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc 
--mandir=/usr/share/man  --without-sqlite3=/opt
configure: error: sqlite3=/opt: invalid package name
root@x104:[/data/prj/php-5.3.16]./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc 
--mandir=/usr/share/man  --without-sqlite=/opt 
configure: error: sqlite=/opt: invalid package name

[2012-08-30 05:45:33] mamfelt at gmail dot com

with php 5.2.7:
# ./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man  

configure finishes with:
Thank you for using PHP.

Notice: Following unknown configure options were used:


Check './configure --help' for available options

make completes successfully - however, ext/sqlite was also compiled without 
fatal errors. Considering the error message (--with-sqlite3 unknown) - not 

[2012-08-29 20:02:55] mamfelt at gmail dot com

Trying to package php 5.4.6 - stuck in logic loop regarding sqlite3.
--with-sqlite3=DIR seems to be ignored
--without-sqlite3=DIR is not accepted
--without-sqlite3 causes ./configure to fail with
checking for PDO includes... checking for PDO includes... 
configure: error: 
You've configured extension pdo_sqlite, which depends on extension sqlite3,
but you've either not enabled sqlite3, or have disabled it.

Test script:
Example 1. ## configure completes but the embedded sqlite3 attempts to build 
anyway. This has a compile error that I have not researched.
I have sqlite3 in /opt

root@x104:[/data/prj/php-5.2.17]ls -l /opt/*/*sql*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 2026673 Jun 13 21:52 /opt/bin/sqlite3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system  268351 Jun 13 21:52 /opt/include/sqlite3.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system   20686 Jun 13 21:52 /opt/include/sqlite3ext.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1927674 Jun 13 21:52 /opt/lib/libsqlite3.a
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root system     743 Jun 13 21:52 /opt/lib/libsqlite3.la

# ./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man  

Example 2. ### provide --without-sqlite3=DIR (per ./configure --help)

# ./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man  

Note: configure --help | grep sqlite
  --without-sqlite3=DIR Do not include SQLite3 support. DIR is the prefix to

Example 3. ### use --without-sqlite3 - cannot complete due to dependency

# ./configure --prefix=/opt --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man  

Note: imho - there are two issues: one is the help text, seems wrong somehow, 
but has been around for a long time. second issue - why is make still trying to 
compile embedded sqlite3 ?

Expected result:
that make finishes and I can proceed with make check or make test

Actual result:
#1 result

/bin/sh /data/prj/php-5.4.6/libtool --silent --preserve-dup-deps --mode=compile 
cc -qlanglvl=extc89  -Iext/sqlite3/ -I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/ 
-DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/include -I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/main 
-I/data/prj/php-5.4.6 -I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/date/lib 
-I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/ereg/regex -I/opt/include/libxml2 -I/opt/include 
-I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/libsqlite -I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/TSRM 
-I/data/prj/php-5.4.6/Zend    -I/usr/include -g  -c 
/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c -o ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.lo 
"/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 893.9: 1506-046 (S) Syntax 
"/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 894.41: 1506-045 (S) 
Undeclared identifier i.
"/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 894.51: 1506-277 (S) Syntax 
error: possible missing ';' or ','?
"/data/prj/php-5.4.6/ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.c", line 894.65: 1506-045 (S) 
Undeclared identifier or.
make: *** [ext/sqlite3/sqlite3.lo] Error 1

#2 result

configure: error: invalid package name: sqlite3=/opt

#3 result
checking for PostgreSQL support for PDO... no
checking for sqlite 3 support for PDO... yes
checking for PDO includes... checking for PDO includes... 
configure: error: 
You've configured extension pdo_sqlite, which depends on extension sqlite3,
but you've either not enabled sqlite3, or have disabled it.


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62971&edit=1

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