Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62341&edit=1

 ID:                 62341
 Comment by:         andreas dot rieber at t-online dot de
 Reported by:        bfanger at gmail dot com
 Summary:            htmlspecialchars() should work on ascii compatible
                     encodings by default.
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            *Unicode Issues
 PHP Version:        5.4.4
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

OK, understood. So i will go for a wrapper function where i can set the charset 
global and report an error in any case (to identify user problems, potential 
xss trouble or simply wrong database entries).

Previous Comments:
[2012-09-06 15:43:59] ras...@php.net

The problem with setting it to 8859-1 is that it lets everything through. If 
page is actually in UTF-8 it means you are now vulnerable to 0xE0 XSS invalid 
UTF-8 style attacks. In PHP 5.4 we have addressed this by adding an 
ENT_SUBSTITUTE option that lets you substitute any invalid chars instead of 
returning an empty string.

[2012-09-06 15:36:43] andreas dot rieber at t-online dot de

I also spotted that problem on an older iso-8859-1 application. I could now 
convert the database to utf-8 or change ca. 150 places in the old code.

Then i checked the problem a bit closer: it is user input, so we don't really 
know what charset it is. We can only assume it is the charset we published the 
page in. That might be wrong but with the new htmlspecialchars behavior we 
would show nothing instead of partly wrong input.

I made some tests and it looks like best is to change my code (even for 
applications which use utf-8) to:

htmlspecialchars( $text, 0, "iso-8859-1");

There must be a better way... To return nothing is not really good.

[2012-07-03 19:39:32] Bonefish26 at aol dot com

Everything is fine with htmlspecialcahrs until someone copies data from their 
auto formatted ms word document and puts it in the update box. Setting the 
charset option seems to solve the problem.

[2012-06-18 14:26:23] ras...@php.net

EUC-JP is heavily used, supported by htmlspecialchars and it is not ASCII 

[2012-06-17 17:47:34] bfanger at gmail dot com

Rereading the manpage more thoroughly, all the info is there. Another nice 
resource is http://nikic.github.com/2012/01/28/htmlspecialchars-improvements-in-

I now disagree with the decision of the empty string, with php flexible typing 
this should have been false or null.
In php5.4 no longer has the weird 'only errors when "display_errors" is off 
behavior', but sadly the chosen behaviour is to alway silently supress those 
If throwing E_WARING is too risky, an E_ENCODING error level would be very 
welcome addition.

ENT_IGNORE: Removes special characters from the string instead of ignoring 
(My previous statement "unless ENT_IGNORE is passed." is therefor invalid)

Using strtr($text, array('<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;', '&' => '&amp;')); is 35% 
slower than htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1') which has the 
same output.

The securityrisk applies only to multibyte encoding which always uses 2 or more 
bytes per characters, like UTF-16 (but UTF-16 and UTF-32 aren't supported by 
htmlspecialchars, i'm not sure if any of the supported charsets is incompatible 
with ascii)

My framework uses UTF-8 for 95% percent of the time, but to prevent silent 
trucating i'll have to add 'ISO-8859-1' as encoding. It just feels wrong.

The default charset for htmlspecialchars should be "ASCII compatible"

"the encodings ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, UTF-8, cp866, cp1251, cp1252, and 
are effectively equivalent"
no ifs, no buts.


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