Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63026&edit=1

 ID:                 63026
 Updated by:         larue...@php.net
 Reported by:        ian dot xspace at yahoo dot cn
 Summary:            require_once error
 Status:             Feedback
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            *Compile Issues
 Operating System:   windows 7
 PHP Version:        5.3.16
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

那些类名可以正确加载 ,那些类名不可以?  你举个例子?

Previous Comments:
[2012-09-12 01:56:19] ian dot xspace at yahoo dot cn

//init.php 定义网站目录
define('THEME', 'default');
//define('TEMP', WEB_ROOT.DS.'temp');
//define('LIBS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'libs');
define('VIEWS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'views');
define('LOGS', VIEWS.DS.'logs');
define('DYN', VIEWS.DS.'dynamic');
define('HLP', WEB_ROOT.DS.'helpers');
//define('PLNS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'plugins');
define('CONFS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'configs');
define('MODELS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'models');
define('CTRLS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'controls');
class SYS
        private function sysModule()
                return array(
                'M'=>MODELS, 'V'=>VIEWS,
                'C'=>CTRLS, 'L'=>LIBS,
                'P'=>PLNS, 'H'=>HLP
        public static function getSys($fun)
                return self::$fun();
//common.php 其中一个函数,加载所需要的类
class Common
        protected function loadCS($cs)
                $csName = substr($cs, 2);
                $type = strtoupper(strtok($cs, '.'));
                $moArr = SYS::getSys('sysModule'); //直接定位               
//              switch($type)  以上将会获取更快执行速度
//              {
//                      case 'M':
//                              require_once(MODELS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'V':
//                              require_once(VIEWS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'C':
//                              require_once(CTRLS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'L':
//                              require_once(LIBS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'P':
//                              require_once(PLNS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'H':
//                              require_once(HLP.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      default:
//                              JS::willJS('alertMsg', '调用失败!');
//              }
                $CS = ucfirst($csName);
                return new $CS();

//index.php 首页调用其它类
class Index extends IAN_C
        public function __construct()
           $obj = $this->loadCS('M.share_model');//调用其它类

new Index


[2012-09-12 01:48:03] ian dot xspace at yahoo dot cn

//定义网站跟目录 init.php
define('WEB_ROOT', strtr(dirname(__FILE__), '\\', '/'));
define('TEMP', WEB_ROOT.DS.'temp');
define('LIBS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'libs');
define('VIEWS', WEB_ROOT.DS.'views');
//下面是我写的一个类 sys.php
class SYS
        //可以成功有的失败了  $moArr = SYS::getSys('sysModule');
        //require_once($moArr[$type].DS."{$csName}.php"); 这样可以直接
//              switch($type)  以上将会获取更快执行速度
//              {
//                      case 'M':
//                              require_once(MODELS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'V':
//                              require_once(VIEWS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'C':
//                              require_once(CTRLS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'L':
//                              require_once(LIBS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'P':
//                              require_once(PLNS.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      case 'H':
//                              require_once(HLP.DS."$csName.php");
//                      break;
//                      default:
//                              JS::willJS('alertMsg', '调用失败!');
//              }
       //正确写法应该是  'M'=>MODELS 
        private function sysModule()
                return array(
                                'M'=>'MODELS', 'V'=>'VIEWS',
                                'C'=>'CTRLS', 'L'=>'LIBS',
                                'P'=>'PLNS', 'H'=>'HLP'
        public static function getSys($fun)
                return self::$fun();

//common.php 其它程序共享类
class Common
   public function loadSomeClass($type)
        $csName = substr($cs, 2);
        $type = strtoupper(strtok($cs, '.'));
        $moArr = SYS::getSys('sysModule'); //find module

//index.php 比如在index.php页面里调用其他类文件
class Index
   public function __construct()
     require_once 'common.php';
     $com = new Common();
    //问题就出在这里  'M'=>'MODELS', 
new Index();


[2012-09-10 07:53:37] larue...@php.net

你用中文描述吧, 我实在看不懂你说什么错误.... 
另外, 请提供一个可以正常运行的可重试脚本. 
(you can re-describe this problem in chinese, previous one is hard to read).


[2012-09-10 07:44:44] ian dot xspace at yahoo dot cn

private function sysModule()
                //error writing 错误写法
                return array(
                                'M'=>MODELS, 'V'=>VIEWS,
                                'C'=>CTRLS, 'L'=>LIBS,
                                'P'=>PLNS, 'H'=>HLP
                //right wring 正确写法
                return array(
                                'M'=>MODELS, 'V'=>VIEWS,
                                'C'=>CTRLS, 'L'=>LIBS,
                                'P'=>PLNS, 'H'=>HLP


//common.php load some calss file
//Assume  $type = 'M.className';
function loadSomeClass($type)
        $csName = substr($cs, 2);
        $type = strtoupper(strtok($cs, '.'));
        $moArr = SYS::getSys('sysModule'); //find module
        //Error wording actually some successful and some not successful

[2012-09-07 17:19:21] larue...@php.net

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with <?php and ends with ?>,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63026&edit=1

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