Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63187&edit=1

 ID:                 63187
 Comment by:         mamfelt at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        mamfelt at gmail dot com
 Summary:            make test does not save test results
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   AIX 6.1
 PHP Version:        5.3.17
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Seems to be fixed/not occurring in 5.3.18RC1 - make test submitted saved 
make test
This gives us a better understanding of PHP's behavior.
If you don't want to send the report immediately you can choose
option "s" to save it.  You can then email it to qa-repo...@lists.php.net later.
Do you want to send this report now? [Yns]: s
Please send /data/prj/php/php-5.3.18RC1/php_test_results_20121005_1110.txt to 
qa-repo...@lists.php.net manually, thank you.

Previous Comments:
[2012-09-29 18:56:26] mamfelt at gmail dot com

make test processes normally - but starts with an error message - that may be 
the reason that the test results cannot be saved at the end (dor later mailing 
to QA).
root@x104:[/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17]cc -qversion=verbose
IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V11.1 (5724-X13)
Version: 11.01.0000.0009
Driver Version: 11.01(C/C++) Level: 111128
C Front End Version: 11.01(C/C++) Level: 111128
High-Level Optimizer Version: 11.01(C/C++) and 13.01(Fortran) Level: 111222
Low-Level Optimizer Version: 11.01(C/C++) and 13.01(Fortran) Level: 111128

root@x104:[/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17]oslevel -s

root@x104:[/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17]make -version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for rs6000-ibm-aix

root@x104:[/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17]lslpp -w /usr/bin/ksh
  File                                        Fileset               Type
  /usr/bin/ksh                                bos.rte.shell         File
root@x104:[/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17]lslpp -L bos.rte.shell
  Fileset                      Level  State  Type  Description (Uninstaller)
  bos.rte.shell       C     F    Shells (bsh, ksh, csh)

Test script:
make test

look for:
/bin/sh[13]: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 20 : `(' is not expected.

in output below.
I answer 's' for save at the end, but no file is saved (that I can find).

I editted Makefile, so that the "test" command is echoed and get this... 
(hoping it is useful to someone!)

Expected result:
Normal end report of make test that can be saved and mailed

Actual result:
Build complete.
Don't forget to run 'make test'.

if test ! -z "/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/sapi/cli/php" && test -x 
"/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/sapi/cli/php"; then \
                INI_FILE=`/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/sapi/cli/php -d 
'display_errors=stderr' -r 'echo php_ini_loaded_file();' 2> /dev/null`; \
                if test "$INI_FILE"; then \
                        grep -E -h -v 
 ]*=' "$INI_FILE" > /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/tmp-php.ini; \
                else \
                        echo > /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/tmp-php.ini; \
                fi; \
                INI_SCANNED_PATH=`/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/sapi/cli/php -d 
'display_errors=stderr' -r '$a = explode(",\n", trim(php_ini_scanned_files())); 
echo $a[0];' 2> /dev/null`; \
                if test "$INI_SCANNED_PATH"; then \
path -d $INI_SCANNED_PATH`; \
                        grep -E -h -v 
 ]*=' "$INI_SCANNED_PATH"/*.ini >> /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/tmp-php.ini; \
                fi; \
                TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/sapi/cli/php \
                TEST_PHP_SRCDIR=/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17 \
                CC="xlc_r" \
                        /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/sapi/cli/php -n -c 
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/tmp-php.ini -d 'open_basedir=' -d 'output_buffering=0' 
-d 'memory_limit=-1' /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/run-tests.php -n -c 
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/tmp-php.ini -d extension_dir=/d
ata/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/ ` if test 
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/dba.so /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/ftp.so 
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/zip.so" != "x"; then for i in
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/dba.so /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/ftp.so 
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/zip.so""; do . $i; 
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/build/shtool echo -n -- " -d
 extension=$dlname"; done; fi; if test "x" != "x"; then for i in ""; do . $i; 
/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/build/shtool echo -n -- " -d 
zend_extension=/data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/modules/$dlname"; done; fi` ; \
                rm /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/tmp-php.ini; \
        else \
                echo "ERROR: Cannot run tests without CLI sapi."; \
/bin/sh[13]: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 20 : `(' is not expected.

PHP         : /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/sapi/cli/php
PHP_SAPI    : cli
PHP_VERSION : 5.3.17
PHP_OS      : AIX - AIX x104 1 6 00C39B8D4C00
INI actual  : /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17/tmp-php.ini
More .INIs  :
CWD         : /data/prj/php/php-5.3.17
Extra dirs  :
VALGRIND    : Not used
TIME START 2012-09-28 19:04:24
TEST 1/9306 [tests/run-test/test001.phpt]^MPASS EXPECT 
TEST 2/9306 [tests/run-test/test002.phpt]^MPASS EXPECTF 
TEST 3/9306 [tests/run-test/test003.phpt]^MPASS EXPECTREGEX 

And the tests complete, summary is printed to screen and asked
to send, not send, or save.

ls -ltr | tail

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root    system  112877 Sep 28 15:57 config.status
-rw-r--r--  1 root    system   52519 Sep 28 15:57 config.log
drwxr-x---  3 michael staff     4096 Sep 28 19:09 TSRM
drwxr-x---  5 michael staff     8192 Sep 28 19:15 Zend
-rw-r--r--  1 root    system    1199 Sep 28 19:16 libphp5.la
drwxr-xr-x  2 root    system     256 Sep 28 19:16 libs
drwxr-xr-x  2 root    system     256 Sep 28 19:23 modules
drwxr-x---  4 michael staff     8192 Sep 28 19:23 main
-rw-r--r--  1 root    system  127481 Sep 28 19:23 php.sym
-rw-r--r--  1 root    system       0 Sep 28 20:35 someFile


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63187&edit=1

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