Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62519&edit=1

 ID:                 62519
 Comment by:         j_holland at hotmail dot com
 Reported by:        awilliams at linkme dot com dot au
 Summary:            Find out about a function's call context
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   any
 PHP Version:        Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

The reason to expose the calling context is so that the function can confirm 
it's correct:
    function calculate_something($args){
      if (get_calling_context() == "VOID") {
        print "ERROR: must be called in non-void context!";
      return do_expensive_calculation($args);
This might be unnecessary in your own code but it's VERY useful when writing 
libraries. Perl has this function (wantarray) and I use it whenever I write 

Yes, this function can be misused, but so can most functions.

Overloading the return keyword is a terrible way to implement this. Make it a 
clearly named function, like get_calling_context.

Finally, it would probably be sufficient to simply return void/non-void 
context, but more specific context is known:
  print function();    // the RV will be evaluated as a string
  $a = 3 + function(); // the RV will be treated as a number
  if (function()));    // the RV will be treated as a Boolean

Previous Comments:
[2012-07-12 01:51:00] johan...@php.net

You could pass an additional parameter to the function 

  function ($foo, $return) {
     if ($return) {
         return $foo;
     } else {
         echo $foo;

Many people would say that changing the behavior of a function from it's use 
case is bad.

I'm also not sure we can implement this without adding overhead to *all* 
function calls, which we won't like to do.

[2012-07-11 11:31:07] awilliams at linkme dot com dot au

I would like to present a more concrete example of why I think this would be an 
elegant solution to a coding dilemma I have.

I wrote a couple of functions to generate html for <select> mark-up from mySql 
tables and php arrays.
Some times I want to call them directly and I want then to output the html, 
other times I want to use them in string expressions, in which case I want them 
to return the html.

As it stands I would have to do this using different function names, which 
looks messy.

To implement this I have two choices, maintain two separate functions doing 
almost the same thing.  That is never best practice.  Sooner or later you 
forget to do a change to both of them.

Declare the string returning function and call it from the string printing 
version.  This is wasteful of stack and call time resources, I try not to code 
like that.

I am left looking at this thinking it would be a really elegant solution if the 
function its self could tell what context it was called in and either echo or 
return the output as required.

I agree that it’s a somewhat unconventional suggestion.  I wouldn't expect it 
of 'C'.  I write in PHP because many things are simpler an more flexible here, 
and this would definitely add a new form of flexibility that I have a use for.

Thank you and that's my last word on it.

[2012-07-10 14:01:11] ni...@php.net

PHP is a dynamically typed language. It can't in the general case know what 
type is expected. Simple example if f1() + f2(). Here int, float and array 
would be viable return types.

Whether the return value is used or not is known to the engine and also exposed 
to internal functions.

But I don't think that it makes sense to expose it to userland functions. 
Functions shouldn't behave different based on whether the return value is used 
or not.

[2012-07-10 04:10:55] awilliams at linkme dot com dot au

I would like to be able to tell if a function was called from a context that is 
expecting a return value or not.  Additionally what type is expected.
 eg('hello');                // called not expecting a return value
 echo eg('hello').' world';  // called expecting a string

function eg($s)
  if(return){  // suggested overloading of the return keyword to report the 
function context.
    return ($s);
    echo $s;



Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62519&edit=1

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