From:             ben at indietorrent dot org
Operating system: Windows 7 x64
PHP version:      5.4.8
Package:          Scripting Engine problem
Bug Type:         Bug
Bug description:Intermittent warning and fatal error on require() statement

I observe erratic behavior relating to require() statements. The files that
are being required are static (they are not created or destroyed during
script execution), so there should be no reason that they are required
successfully the vast majority of the time, but fail to be required some
small percentage of the time.

It bears mention that I am also wrapping the calls to require() in calls to
file_exists(). It seems that while file_exists() always returns true (the
require() statements are always executed), the calls to require() fail
intermittently with "PHP Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such
file or directory" and then "PHP Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening

The symptoms of this issue are very similar to those described in ("Spurious fatal error on require()
statement"), but I don't know whether the root cause is the same or not.

I have confirmed that this problem occurs on several different computers,
no two of which have the exact same OS or *AMP stack component versions.
For this reason, I do not believe this issue to be due to failing hardware,
a corrupt operating system, or similar.

I should note also that in PHP 5.2 and 5.3, the offending line number was
always zero (0). Unless line number zero has some special meaning in PHP,
this seems like a bug in itself. In any case, in PHP 5.4.8, the line number
is non-zero *usually* (but not always), and seems to be accurate. (I have
not tested with any PHP version before 5.2 or between 5.3 and 5.4.8.)

I have not installed any third-party extensions and am using a pristine
5.4.8 installation. PHP is running via Apache's mod_php module. php.ini is
relatively untouched; the only changes I made were to enable some of the
modules that are disabled by default (I can list them if it's relevant).

Unfortunately, I am unable to reproduce this issue at will, because it
occurs completely sporadically.

That said, the problem occurs quite frequently, so, if a developer is able
to provide specific debugging instructions, it should be easy enough for me
to capture the relevant information. By "quite frequently", I mean every
couple of minutes during normal browsing.

Also, I have used Firefox's handy "Reload Tab Every..." context menu
feature to reload an affected page every 1 second for 10 minutes straight
and the issue occurred only twice. This seems to indicate that the issue
does not necessarily occur some percentage of the time (+/- variance), but
rather, it occurs when more complex conditions are met. For whatever
reason, the issue occurs most frequently when I make several concurrent
requests to the affected URLs/files, and I navigate to various URLs before
each page has loaded fully.

Strangely enough, if I let the auto-refresh test run long enough (this run,
it took more than 30 minutes of refreshing every second), the specific
error messages change (the location of the failed require statements
change), but their nature is always the same: failed require() statements
due to variations of "file not found".

Also, the issue seems most likely to occur when the Web-server (Apache in
this case) has been sitting idle for some period of time (e.g., 10 or more
minutes). Oftentimes, if I have been away from the computer and refresh an
affected page when I return, the issue occurs. Could this behavior point to
memory managment or caching?

The code-base that causes this issue is shared across several different
production websites, all of which run on various GNU/Linux distributions.
With Ubuntu 10.04 + Apache 2.2.14 + mod_php + PHP 5.3.2, I do not observe
the issue at all. On another identically-configured server, the only
difference being Fast-CGI (fcgid) instead of mod_php, I do observe the
issue, but its manifestation is slightly different than on Windows with
mod_php. (I'm happy to provide details regarding the differences.)

I find it particularly strange that the messages and specific points of
failure change over time. The first log entry (made only a few seconds
after Apache was started) makes no sense; there is no file mentioned, and
the line number is zero:

[29-Oct-2012 15:30:29 America/New_York] PHP Warning:  Unknown: failed to
open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

At least the related fatal error mentions a file:

[29-Oct-2012 15:30:29 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  Unknown: Failed
opening required
(include_path='.;C:\Program Files\php\includes;C:\Program
Files\php\PEAR\pear') in Unknown on line 0

The next time the warning/fatal occurs, we have a file AND a line number:

[29-Oct-2012 15:31:19 America/New_York] PHP Warning: 
require(../include/ failed to open stream: No such file or
directory in C:\Users\Ben\Documents\Projects\project
Testing\project-svn\trunk\public\auxiliary\css.php on line 5

[29-Oct-2012 15:31:19 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed
opening required '../include/' (include_path='.;C:\Program
Files\php\includes;C:\Program Files\php\PEAR\pear') in
Testing\project-svn\trunk\public\auxiliary\css.php on line 5

I mean... what, does PHP need to "warm-up"?

This warning/fatal sequence carries-on for some minutes, and then the error
(provided this is indeed the same root-cause) morphs slightly:

[29-Oct-2012 15:34:07 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught
exception 'SmartyException' with message 'Unable to load template file
in C:\Users\Ben\Documents\Projects\project
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Users\Ben\Documents\Projects\project
Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('C:/Users/Ben/Do...', NULL, NULL, NULL,
#1 C:\Users\Ben\Documents\Projects\project
#2 {main}
  thrown in C:\Users\Ben\Documents\Projects\project
on line 127

After this point, the errors don't change again.

I have discussed this issue at length on the Smarty forums ( ) and the Smarty authors
pointed-out that Smarty throws the above exception when a call to
filemtime($templateSourceFile) returns FALSE (Smarty does not bother to
read the file's contents when filemtime() returns FALSE).

So, we have erroneous failures when require() is called, coupled with
erroneous failures when filemtime() is called.

The path from the above log excerpts,
"C:/Users/Ben/Documents/Apache/project", is an NFTS junction point that
resolves to "C:\Users\Ben\Documents\Projects\project
Testing\project-svn\trunk". I'm not sure that this is relevant, because the
errors occur regardless of which path I use in the calls to require(), but
it deserves mention in light of
("intermittent include failure under symlinked virtual hosts").

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:     
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:   
Submitted twice:   
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings: 
IIS Stability:    
Install GNU Sed:  
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

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