Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63769&edit=1

 ID:                 63769
 Comment by:         anon at anon dot anon
 Reported by:        hanskrentel at yahoo dot de
 Summary:            file:// protocol does not support percent-encoded
 Status:             Not a bug
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Streams related
 Operating System:   Windows
 PHP Version:        5.4.9
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

>The path "file:///C:/temp/catalog%202.xml" (without the quotes) does *not* 

Unfortunately it does work, if you create a file literally named 
catalog%202.xml. PHP's behavior is broken but it's impossible to alter it 
without breaking compatibility.

Previous Comments:
[2012-12-17 14:55:51] hanskrentel at yahoo dot de

I beg your pardon, but if both are perfectly valid filenames, the fs function 
behaviour is broken (and not correct), because it does not work with both 
perfectly valid filenames:

The path "file:///C:/temp/catalog%202.xml" (without the quotes) does *not* work.

The request is to remove this shortcoming and have it work. I thought this was 
clear from the initial report. Please let me know how I can further assist with 

[2012-12-15 11:12:14] a...@php.net

Since both "catalog%202.xml" and "catalog 2.xml" are perfectly valid filenames, 
the fs function behaviour is correct. The user can decide where it's needed url 
encoded and where it's not.

[2012-12-14 15:51:57] hanskrentel at yahoo dot de

Using a file-URI containing characters that are percent-encoded (one byte/octet 
is encoded as a character triplet, e.g. Space -> %20) do not work. The URI is 
not properly decoded.

Consider the following file on disk:

c:\temp\catalog 2.xml

PHP is able to find it existing via:

is_file('file:///C:/temp/catalog 2.xml');

However, commonly that file is written as:


And using that filename in PHP via:


gives FALSE.

(Example is a libxml catalog file, properly specified for libxml)

When you're looking into this, it might be worth to also look for + as encoding 
for space - just not that this case gets overlooked.

Test script:
touch($name = 'catalog 2.xml');
$uri = sprintf('file:///%s/%s', strtr(__DIR__, ['\\' => '/', ' ' => '%20']), 
printf('%s - %s (%d)', is_file($uri) ? 'OK' : 'FAIL', $uri, unlink($name));

Expected result:
OK - file:///C:/temp/catalog%202.xml (1)

Actual result:
FAIL - file:///C:/temp/catalog%202.xml (1)


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63769&edit=1

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