Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41243&edit=1

 ID:                 41243
 Comment by:         dac dot chartrand at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        joel dot alexandre at gmail dot com
 Summary:            How to use ZIPARCHIVE::CM_STORE
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Zip Related
 PHP Version:        5.x
 Assigned To:        pajoye
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

I need to create a zip file with a compression level of 0 on some files.

Specifically, the EPUB 2.0.1 specification *requires* a file called mimetype to 
uncompressed, unencrypted, and the first file in the ZIP archive.

Without this feature available in ZipArchive, it's useless for EPUB creation.

Thank you for your consideration.

Previous Comments:
[2012-10-26 12:34:23] kalibrov1 at gmail dot com

Faced with the same problem, I can not create the correct ODS file!

[2012-10-17 12:01:39] spamme at filbilisim dot com

For back up features and performance issues uncompressed zipping is essential. 
Please provide this feature

[2012-07-18 16:54:16] frozenf...@php.net

Any progress on this, pajoye? Given the number of votes on this bug, and its 
I think this needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

I encountered this bug today, and it's quite frustrating to not be able to set 
the compression level.

[2012-01-23 10:57:54] mpeters at domblogger dot net

It is imperative that this bug be addressed and fixed.

The epub specification requires that the first file in the zip archive be named 
mimetype and be uncompressed.

Until this bug is fixed, it is thus impossible to create a valid epub file in 
pure php w/o executing system commands (forbidden in many environments).

*maybe* it could be worked around by having a skeleton zip archive with the 
mimetype file in it uncompressed, but really, we need to be able to create a 
fresh zip archive, add that file, with no compression.

[2010-07-02 14:20:03] php at atis dot id dot lv

This would be quite nice for me too. No compression could be useful for 
creating large archives of multiple files on the fly.


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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=41243&edit=1

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