Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64057&edit=1

 ID:                 64057
 Comment by:         mail+php at requinix dot net
 Reported by:        ltsujiguchi at gmail dot com
 Summary:            substr_replace failed charset utf-8
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Strings related
 Operating System:   Ubuntu 12.10
 PHP Version:        5.4.11
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Do you have one of those weird editors where shift+space produces something 
besides a regular space? It may sound stupid and probably won't change anything 
but try deleting the "LIKE ?" and typing it again carefully.

Also stupid and pointless, check that
  echo bin2hex($cond);
ends in "...4c494b45203f".

Previous Comments:
[2013-01-23 18:21:39] krak...@php.net

[joe@fiji php-5.4.6]$ nano 64057.php
[joe@fiji php-5.4.6]$ sapi/cli/php 64057.php
noticia.noticia_titulo LIKE %é% OR noticia.noticia_conteudo LIKE %é%

Anyone else ??

[2013-01-23 17:54:21] ltsujiguchi at gmail dot com

I had a problem when i used the substr_replace, using those changes os php.ini:

I couldn't find the exact version of my php on the drop, so i put the closest 
version, but my real version is the 5.4.6.

Result expected:
noticia.noticia_titulo LIKE %é% OR noticia.noticia_conteudo LIKE %é%

Result returned:
noticia.noticia_titulo LIKE %é% OR noticia.noticia_conteudo LIKE%é%?

Test script:
$replacement = '%é%';
$cond = 'noticia.noticia_titulo LIKE ? OR noticia.noticia_conteudo LIKE ?';
$posItem = stripos($cond, '?');
$cond = substr_replace($cond, $replacement, $posItem, 1);
$posItem = stripos($cond, '?');
$cond = substr_replace($cond, $replacement, $posItem, 1);
echo $cond;


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64057&edit=1

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