Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64320&edit=1

 ID:                 64320
 User updated by:    php at richardneill dot org
 Reported by:        php at richardneill dot org
 Summary:            Proposal: deprecate the "leading 0 means octal"
-Status:             Feedback
+Status:             Closed
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Math related
 Operating System:   All
 PHP Version:        5.4.12
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

You know, that bug has annoyed me for ages, since I got badly bitten by it 
about 7 years ago. In the meantime, I think it's been fixed! At any rate, I now 
agree with you that the current behaviour is correct, and that:

PHP now treats strings with leading zeros (eg "0123") as decimal (123), rather 
than octal, even when automatically casting them. 

The documentation (in the sections: integers, casting) could perhaps be more 
explicit, given that:

$a = 0x123;
$b = "0x123" + 0;     // $a and $b are equal
$c = 0123;
$d = "0123" + 0;      // $c and $d are not equal.

Sorry for the confusion - my bad.

Previous Comments:
[2013-02-28 17:14:36] ni...@php.net

Could you maybe provide a testcase for the behavior you are referring to? I 
tried out the following and "010" wasn't interpreted as octal in any case:

var_dump((int) "010", intval("010"), "010" == 8);
// Outputs: int(10) int(10) bool(false)

010 is only treated as an octal if you write it out plainly (in the source 
code), like $foo = 010;

[2013-02-28 13:41:48] php at richardneill dot org

PHP assumes that a string with a leading zero should be interpreted as octal.

In my experience, this is almost never useful, desirable, or intentional, 
however, it is a frequent trap for the beginner (or more experienced 
programmer), especially when parsing user-submitted data.

The only reason for this behaviour seems to be historical, and compatibility 
with strtol(). When non-programmer humans write numbers with leading zeros, 
they don't usually mean base 8.

My proposal is:

1. Introduce a new string format, 0o####  (letter o), to explicitly mean "this 
is an octal number". This is similar to the recent introduction of 0b#### for 
binary numbers. 

[This part should be simple to do, and would also make the intentional use of 
octal notation explicit, increasing code-readability]

2. Add an option to raise E_NOTICE any time a number is implicitly interpreted 
as octal (for example  "$x = 0100").

3. In a few years time, (PHP 7?), it may finally be possible to change the 
default behaviour.

Test script:
Here's an illustration of a naive program that has data-dependent bugs that are 
really hard to track down.

$mass_kg = "0.314"      //user-submitted data, known to begin "0."
$mass_g  = substr ($mass_kg, 2);

Yes, this is a silly thing to write. But it's a nasty trap for the unwary.
The above example does what is expected, and might pass many tests. But if the 
user subsequently enters $mass_kg = "0.031", this will turn into 25 grams, not 
31 grams. As a result, we have created a very subtle and hard to find bug.


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64320&edit=1

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