Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64324&edit=1

 ID:                 64324
 Updated by:         ras...@php.net
 Reported by:        dosergio at ig dot com dot br
 Summary:            Why 0 == 'BOOK' ?
 Status:             Not a bug
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            *General Issues
 Operating System:   all
 PHP Version:        Irrelevant
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

No it doesn't make more sense. This would make 12=='TEST'
You cast to a type in the comparison, not to some third type. Besides changing 
this would break millions of lines of code. Not going to happen.

Previous Comments:
[2013-03-02 01:19:42] dosergio at ig dot com dot br

A good rule to be implemented by PHP is:
If a comparison of simple equality ( == ) or simple inequality ( != ) is done 
between two different data types, PHP should cast both to boolean before 

Because 'TEXT' casts to true, 0 casts to false so 0 != 'TEXT' makes more sense 
than 0 == 'TEXT'.

[2013-02-28 19:12:25] dosergio at ig dot com dot br

OK, you are right. That was the explanation I wanted: it depends on the type 
you compare.
if( false == 'TEST') works correctly.
Now it makes a little more sense to me.
But javascript is still superior because inside a if() I suspect that any 
language should try to cast both to boolean.

[2013-02-28 19:04:24] ras...@php.net

We don't want a special case for 0. By your logic 12 == 'TEST' should be true. 
You are assuming a cast to boolean even though neither side of the comparison 
a boolean. Note that true == 'TEST' will match because here we cast to boolean. 
But 'TEST' cast to an integer is going to give you 0.

[2013-02-28 18:58:51] dosergio at ig dot com dot br

The exact analysis above done in javascript says I am right.
I have no doubt that javascript makes more use of logic that php.

[2013-02-28 18:51:56] dosergio at ig dot com dot br

I know the use of ===. The supposed 'bug' that I think exists, is comparing 0 
to a non-empty String with double ==

My concern is because:
Observation 1: null, 0, "0", and "" all result as FALSE.
Observation 2: BUT... "A STRING" evaluates as TRUE.  
0 == "" makes sense
0 == "A NON-EMPTY STRING" makes no sense. IMHO False would be the right answer.

Take a little time to examine this:

if( 0 ) echo "0 works as TRUE<br>"; else echo "0 works as false <br>";
if( "TEST") echo "'TEST' works as TRUE<br>"; else echo "'TEST' works as false 

if( 0 == 'TEST') echo "But 0 == 'TEST' belies the statements above!";


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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64324&edit=1

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