Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38508&edit=1

 ID:                 38508
 Comment by:         ante at caan dot si
 Reported by:        doublecompile at gmail dot com
 Summary:            Addition of Magic __toArray() function
 Status:             Closed
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Feature/Change Request
 PHP Version:        *
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Hi guys. I'm dragging this out from the "History". I think this is a great 
suggestion as I use a lot of object that implement ArrayAccess so doing this

$someArray = (array) $obj;

that calls $obj->__toArray() would be a GREAT addition to PHP logic.

Previous Comments:
[2012-03-14 18:55:00] erck0006 at gmail dot com

$customers = new Customers();
$customers = $customers->__toArray(); // THIS LINE IS THE **UPDATED** LINE 
Only variables should be passed by reference
$lastCustomer = array_pop($customers); // SUCCESS
echo $lastCustomer->getName(); // prints the last customer's name since the 
previous line did not fail since I explicitly called a custom method named 
__toArray() first

[2012-03-14 18:37:23] erck0006 at gmail dot com

// AS-IS
$customers = new Customers();
$lastCustomer = array_pop($customers); // FAIL: array_pop() expects parameter 1 
to be array, object given
echo $lastCustomer->getName(); // execution never reaches this line

$customers = new Customers();
$lastCustomer = array_pop($customers->__toArray()); // SUCCESS
echo $lastCustomer->getName(); // prints the last customer's name since the 
previous line did not fail since I explicitly called a custom method named 
__toArray() first

// TO-BE
$customers = new Customers();
$lastCustomer = array_pop($customers); // SUCCESS
echo $lastCustomer->getName(); // prints the last customer's name since 
array_pop() calls __toArray() internally before failing

[2012-02-27 21:27:32] john at john dot com

this magic function would be great to have

[2011-05-23 23:32:13] spark at limao dot com dot br

Because of the magic __toString I was able to write a String class with the 
same methods as the Java String class.
I was trying to write an Array class to map the one in Adobe AS3, but then I 
came across the lack of __toArray.
I don't want a __toArray, or even a toString
I want classes with reasonable methods and not lots of functions with no naming 
rules nor parameter order standard.
I know it may sound rude but that's how I feel when I see a language getting so 
far and still not following any coding convetion.

[2006-08-20 11:12:22] he...@php.net

Why not simply have a method asArray() maybe even as par of an interface:

interface ArrayConversion
  function asArray();

See, we have __toString as it is supported in language constructs like echo, 
print and other internal functions. But we decided against an autoconversion 
for arrays already. So itwill never be supported in any language construct. 
That said there is no needed for this and nothing you would win against the 
above interface. In fact you would make it php more complex because you'd add 
just one more magic feature.


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the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38508&edit=1

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