Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63463&edit=1

 ID:                 63463
 Comment by:         evan at digitalflophouse dot com
 Reported by:        ocramius at gmail dot com
 Summary:            ReflectionProperty::setValue and ::getValue trigger
                     magic methods
 Status:             Not a bug
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Reflection related
 Operating System:   Irrelevant
 PHP Version:        5.4.8
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

It would seem to me that the ideal solution here would be for 
ReflectionProperty::setValue and ::getValue to support an optional parameter 
indicating whether magic methods should be triggered (the default) or not.

Previous Comments:
[2012-12-18 23:11:42] ocramius at gmail dot com

Isn't reflection able to handle properties in a different way from how userland 
code acts? I wouldn't consider Reflection at the same level of other code, or 
at least I'm not aware of any way of achieving the same functionality without 
having access to internal APIs.

I'm not denying the fact that this is probably a design issue and that it would 
require major refactoring to workaround it, but the fact that such effort is 
needed doesn't mean that this is not a bug.

Want to mark it as improvement instead? Or as a documentation issue and 
therefore language limitation (with relative improvement issue)?

[2012-12-18 21:15:18] s...@php.net

I am sorry, but I think your opinion is incorrect. Reflection works the same 
way and 
uses the same engine methods as other ways of accessing properties. Making 
Reflection work differently from the rest of the object model would require 
exceptions in all object engine for Reflection and seems to make little sense 
to me 
in general. Reflection is just another way of doing the same thing as regular 
property access. I am sorry that your code does not work as you wanted it to, 
you are welcome to propose ways to improve it, including participating in 
getters/setters discussion ongoing, but I do not think in this particular case 
reflection is doing something wrong. In any case, it is not a bug as the code 
doing exactly as the intent of the code was for it to do.

[2012-12-10 02:04:46] ocramius at gmail dot com

@stas let me put it into a more "practical" use case I currently have:

I use reflection to populate instances of proxy objects that have "lazy" marked 
properties unset at instantiation time. This is good to achieve lazy loading of 
public properties, but any r/w access to the property itself via reflection 
triggers `__get` or `__set`.

This makes it impossible to use reflection to populate the property. I worked 
around it by disabling `__get` in particular situations (see 
 but at a terrible cost in performance terms and broken behaviour in rare cases.

Back to the issue itself:

I consider Reflection as my last resource to access and modify status of 
objects without affecting anything else within my environment. Having 
reflection trigger any logic during an assignment is an unwanted and dangerous 
behaviour in my opinion.

[2012-12-10 01:51:32] s...@php.net

I'm not sure why you think this is what should be happening. When you unset 
properties, they are no longer set. And when you access unset properties, magic 
methods kick in. So where's the problem here?

[2012-11-08 06:22:43] ocramius at gmail dot com

I've added the failing test case as a PR at 


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