Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64699&edit=1

 ID:                 64699
 Updated by:         paj...@php.net
 Reported by:        sharkpp at gmail dot com
 Summary:            is_dir() is inaccurate result on Windows with
                     japanese locale.
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Filesystem function related
 Operating System:   Windows
 PHP Version:        5.4.14
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

For the record, it is not that it won't be fixed but can't be fixed at this 
but in a major version. Not only PHP's code and not only for file stream 

Previous Comments:
[2013-05-07 06:36:39] ku at digitaldolphins dot jp


It is known problem. And it won't be fixed.

If you need a patch, check my one at:


Or you can try php-wfio extension instead.


It needs to be built manually with step by step instruction. 


Try at your own risk!

kenji uno.

[2013-04-23 15:48:54] sharkpp at gmail dot com


I'm testing this problem on Windows 7 Ultimate x86 english.

Configuration changes little is required to reproduce.

1. Please open "Control Panel".
2. Please click "Change display language" link.
3. Please select "Administrative" tab and click "Change system locale..." 
4. Please change current system locale "Japanese(Japan)".

The above procedure is not needed if you want to try in the Japanese versions 

php in immediately after installation, the default state is also php.ini (does 
not exist).


is_dir() will lie If you create a folder that contains the "\x5C" in the string.
It may YYYY is included in the second byte of Shift_JIS.
For example ソ(\x83\x5C).
More example: 
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shift_JIS (japanese)

Test script:

$dir = './';
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        $path = $dir . $file;
        $type = filetype($path);
        $type2= is_dir($path) ? 'dir' : 'file';
        $comp = $type == $type2 ? 'OK' : 'NG';
        echo "filetype()[".str_pad($type, 4)."] == is_dir()[".str_pad($type2, 
4)."] -> $comp: {$file}\n";

Expected result:
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: .
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: ..
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: a
filetype()[file] == is_dir()[file] -> OK: test.php
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[file] -> NG: ソ
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: ゾ

Actual result:
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: .
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: ..
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: a
filetype()[file] == is_dir()[file] -> OK: test.php
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: ソ
filetype()[dir ] == is_dir()[dir ] -> OK: ゾ


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64699&edit=1

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