From:             eclipsechasers2 at yahoo dot com
Operating system: Windows and Linux
PHP version:      5.4.16
Package:          Date/time related
Bug Type:         Bug
Bug description:dst not handled past 2038

This could be considered a duplicate of bug 42842. That bug was marked
suspended in 2007. The reasons for its suspension are no longer valid. I
updated that ticket, but, after a week with no feedback whatsoever, am
opening a new ticket in the hope that it will get a reply. PHP does not
handle dst transitions from the year 2038 on. This happens on Windows and
Linux, on 32- and 64-bit systems. It happens with all releases, including
the most current (5.4.16), and even when PECL is used to install
timezonedb. The reason the ticket was suspended was "the timezone database
simply doesn't have the resolution to store anything outside of the signed
integer range for now." That is no longer true, and a 5-year delay seems
time enough to implement it in PHP. The Unix zdump command handles the
transition on 64-bit Linux systems (including the latest Ubuntu). Perl
handles the transition on Windows and Linux, even on 32-bit systems.

Test script:
$firstyear = 2035;
$lastyear = 2040;
$tz = 'America/Los_Angeles';
$dt = new DateTime((string) ($firstyear - 1) . "-07-02");
$di = new DateInterval('P6M');
for ($i = 0; $i < ($lastyear - $firstyear) * 2; $i++) {
  $gmto = $dt->getOffset();
  echo "Time Zone offset for $tz for " , $dt->format('Y-m-d') , " is

Expected result:
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2035-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2035-07-02 is -25200
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2036-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2036-07-02 is -25200
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2037-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2037-07-02 is -25200
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2038-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2038-07-02 is -25200
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2039-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2039-07-02 is -25200

Actual result:
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2035-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2035-07-02 is -25200
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2036-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2036-07-02 is -25200
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2037-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2037-07-02 is -25200
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2038-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2038-07-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2039-01-02 is -28800
Time Zone offset for America/Los_Angeles for 2039-07-02 is -28800

The lines for 2038-07-2 and 2039-07-02 are wrong; they should show -25200.
A zdump command which shows the correct values is:
zdump  -v -c 2035,2039 America/Los_Angeles 
Here is an equivalent Perl script which displays all the lines correctly:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DateTime;
my $firstyear = 2035;
my $lastyear = 2040;
my $tz = 'America/Los_Angeles';
my $dt = DateTime->new(year=>($firstyear - 1), month=>7, day=>2,
for (my $i = 0; $i < ($lastyear - $firstyear) * 2; $i++) {
  my $gmto = $dt->offset();
  printf "Time Zone offset for $tz for " . $dt->ymd('-') . " is $gmto\n";

Edit bug report at
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.4):
Try a snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a snapshot (trunk):
Fixed in SVN:     
Fixed in release: 
Need backtrace:   
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:   
Submitted twice:   
PHP 4 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings: 
IIS Stability:    
Install GNU Sed:  
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions:
MySQL Configuration Error:

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