Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65111&edit=1
ID: 65111 Updated by: fel...@php.net Reported by: ryan dot brothers at gmail dot com Summary: Calling traits directly with static properties/methods -Status: Open +Status: Assigned Type: Bug Package: Class/Object related Operating System: Linux PHP Version: 5.5.0 -Assigned To: +Assigned To: gron Block user comment: N Private report: N Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2013-06-24 16:52:52] ryan dot brothers at gmail dot com Description: ------------ The documentation for traits indicates that "it is not possible to instantiate a Trait on its own", but I have noticed that a trait can be called directly if it has a static property or method, as per the below example. Is this intended behavior? Or should traits be restricted from being called directly? I was under the impression that traits cannot be called directly per the documentation. If not, is there a way to prevent traits from being called directly as in the below example? Test script: --------------- <?php trait t1 { public static $a1 = 'test1'; public static function test() { return 'test2'; } } echo t1::$a1."\n"; echo t1::test()."\n"; Expected result: ---------------- Fatal Error that traits cannot be called directly. Actual result: -------------- test1 test2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65111&edit=1