Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46506&edit=1

 ID:                 46506
 Comment by:         dave at shax dot com
 Reported by:        glideraerobatics at hotmail dot com
 Summary:            readonly attribute for (public) class variables
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            *General Issues
 PHP Version:        5.4
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

'readonly' property as described here would be extremely useful to me 
in daily development.

Doesn't need to be fancy. The most obvious functionality, as described 
by others above, is exactly what I want. At the moment, I duplicate 
this functionality in 90% my classes using __get().

There's presumably a bit of a performance knock in doing it with 
__get() (never benchmarked it, but it seems obvious) - not routing 
the read requests for each property through __get() or a separate 
getter function saves a function call and would be faster. 

Because I currently use __get() on nearly every major object in my 
application, I could easily save several hundred function calls per 
request, which is probably creating a measurable difference in page 

It may seem CRAZY to accept performance slowdown for something this 
trivial, but for me having each object defined as an individual solid 
API in its own right makes my code much more stable, and in a large 
application prevents unwanted/accidental interference from outside 
modules. It's mainly about being SUPER sure I've internally validated 
all data that's entering each object - hardening it! 

At the moment my options are to make it writable by anyone, or accept 
a performance hit - this is why I'm very keen for this to be added to
the language!

For the implementation of this, I'd want it to be like 'protected', 
not 'private' wherein other classes that inherit the property can 
also write to it.

Previous Comments:
[2013-03-31 09:09:16] glideraerobatics at hotmail dot com

@stian dot pedersen at gmail dot com
A "property" keyword isn't good enough because you still need the scope 
public and protected at least. That's why I used the C# convention in the 1st 

[2013-03-30 18:40:43] stian dot pedersen at gmail dot com

This feature is seconded. Basically it would be useful to have a modifier which 
allows internal modification but disallows public reassignment. By an example, 
letting "property" be the new key word,

class Order
   property $customer;
class Order
   private $customer;
   public getCustomer(){return $this->customer;}

$order->customer and $order->getCustomer() could have the same semantics in 
a "copy of the pointer" in C terms is returned and you cannot call $order-
>customer = null any more than you could call $order->getCustomer() = null. 
However, $customer itself should be modifyable, for instance, $order->customer-
>id = 1000, if id is declared as public. This would be more in tune of mat dot 
barrie at gmail dot com and very useful in OOP.
Inside the class, I would prefer to be able to reassign customer at will (even 
after constructor).

Syntactically it would be nice to chose a syntax that would allow support for 
setters also, but for now, I would be happy with this. It sorta does the same 
thing as the __get() trick but does not mess up IDE support and will probably 
execute faster.

[2012-11-27 15:55:04] info at strictcoding dot co dot uk

+1 for this awesome feature. Any reviews from the PHP team?

[2012-09-18 21:53:20] mat dot barrie at gmail dot com

As a point of interest, the C# readonly keyword mentioned actually does not 
protect exposed classes from being modified, it prevents assignment.  So from 
your example if you duplicate the C# behaviour, this is what it actually would 
work like this, which I don't think is what you're asking for:

$count = count($parent->children); // You can do this
$name = $parent->children[0]; // You can even do this

$parent->children[0] = "BILLY"; // You can still do this
$parent->children[] = "BOB"; // And you can still even do this
$parent->children = NULL; // But not this
unset($parent->children); // Or this

A readonly attribute probably isn't what's needed here (after all, you're not 
actually asking for a property that can be made readonly) but instead if the 
protection level could be defined on the getter and setter independently, so 
that set could be defined as private and get as public.  __get and __set sort 
do this, but they're useless if you're serialising, hurt performance, and 
I'm missing something you can't add phpDoc comments to the exposed pseudo-

[2012-01-25 08:11:40] glideraerobatics at hotmail dot com

Changed affected PHP version.


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