Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61354&edit=1

 ID:                 61354
 Comment by:         tototation at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        hufeng1987 at gmail dot com
 Summary:            htmlentities and htmlspecialchars doesn't respect
                     the default_charset
 Status:             Not a bug
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Strings related
 Operating System:   Linux/Windows/
 PHP Version:        5.4.0
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Yes, i'm interested too to understand that fact.
I recently upgrade my server, and ALL my code is unusable !
A search in code found +470 000 words htmlentities or htmlspecialchars !!!!!

Thanks, we must stop all our services and websites.
Just for a stupid thing.

Previous Comments:
[2013-06-15 22:51:31] jbolder42 at yahoo dot com

I was wondering if someone could enlighten me by explaining why this:

htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES, "ISO-8859-1");

... would be considered any more secure than something like this:

ini_set("html.default_charset", "ISO-8859-1");
htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES);

Thank you!

[2013-05-20 18:14:25] kstirn at gmail dot com

@minder at ufive dot unibe dot ch

Yes, this can be done, but still means we would have to manually modify 
hundreds of legacy scripts on the server (many third party and many 
obfuscated/encoded)  to be able to upgrade to PHP 5.4. 

It would be really easy to fix with an ini setting and it would indeed make 
sense to have a setting for such a huge default change. I am disappointed that 
the PHP dev team has decided to completely ignore the issue.

[2013-05-19 13:10:13] minder at ufive dot unibe dot ch

For legacy projects in latin1 we substitute htmlspecialchars with the self-made 
function htmlXspecialchars according to these instructions: 

[2013-02-26 21:29:02] rudibr at gmail dot com

What about my third-party modules? Should I change their code as well? Do I now 
need to verify and manually alter code on third-party modules everytime I 
upgrade or install them?

If Im using a component with protected code, do I need to go trough their 
support staff and wait for a correction? What if they provide no reliable 
support or customization, am I now being encouraged to hack and crack in the 
source code just so I can fix this?

It is easy , even redundant , and absolutely justfiable to create a new ini 
setting to control this behavior, that I feel a little bit offended by the 
current attitude of php developers over this issue.

I also feel a little bit offended because the guy who is responsible for this 
change EXPLICITLY stated that the change to UTF-8 defaulting have nothing to do 
with security. It just sounded like a "better default", according to the 
developer. Hardly a seriously thought-trough consideration.

This is becoming quite a sad state of affairs. I guess I will have to consider 
moving on from php if it comes to that.

[2013-01-27 17:32:18] kstirn at gmail dot com

It will soon be a year since the release of PHP 5.4 and there still is no easy 
way (read: a global PHP setting) to overcome this huge 

PHP developers, I understand the security concerns, but please don't be so 
stubborn and give us an option to set a default setting without having to 
modify *all* legacy code to work with 5.4.

Your action (or lack thereof) is producing the opposite results of desired - 
instead of moving to PHP 5.4, thousands of servers (including several we own) 
will stay with 5.3.x even after end of life cycle in March 2013.

A simple global setting (an optional php.ini value) would solve the issue for 
thousands of users while addressing security issues by explicitly defining the 
default charset to be used by affected functions - all without having to 
rewrite existing code.

PHP team please do reconsider this and help everyone not using UTF-8 move to 
PHP 5.4.

Thank you!


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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61354&edit=1

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