Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65296&edit=1
ID: 65296 User updated by: llmll at gmx dot de Reported by: llmll at gmx dot de Summary: Support named parameters in constructors to inline initialize objects with new() Status: Open Type: Feature/Change Request Package: Scripting Engine problem Operating System: any PHP Version: Irrelevant Block user comment: N Private report: N New Comment: Of course its working, this is not about a bug but about sleekness and PHP-to-programmer support ;-) These assignment-lists are really lengthy and contain too many repetitions. Its more like requesting the ternary operator instead of the "old" if ... then ... else ... Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2013-07-19 20:56:31] mail+php at requinix dot net So object literals. Getting to use names instead of strings. Meanwhile $object = new Object(); $object->StringMember = "content"; // etc doesn't work? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2013-07-19 20:52:32] llmll at gmx dot de I view as a strength of PHP, not having to declare all fields in a class. For example think of a class representing a HTML DOM element, like a link. It allow many fields, but most often you will only use some of them, like "href" or "class". In my opinion the best syntax to write is something like: $link = new Link(href: "target.html", class:"btn btn-info"); At the moment I use arrays: $link = (new Link)->assign("href" => "target.html", "class" => "btn btn-info"); But the fields in the strings are messy and un-recognizeable. Phpdoc is far too cluttering. Declaring every possible option is pointless for some classes, especially if they are highly dynamic, like derived from a database table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2013-07-19 17:42:05] mail+php at requinix dot net Keeping in mind that your IDE could not possibly give you support for arbitrary properties on objects, they probably do support the @property phpdoc. Add that to __get/__set and you have /** * @property string $StringMember * @property int $Counter * @property mixed[] $ArrayMember */ class Foo { private $data; public function __construct(array $data) { $this->data = $data; } public function __get($name) { return $this->data[$name]; } public function __set($name, $value) { $this->data[$name] = $value; } } $foo = new Foo([ "StringMember" => "content", "Counter" => 42, "ArrayMember" => ["old" => "way"] ]); $foo-> // should autocomplete/suggest StringMember, Counter, and ArrayMember If you're talking about the {} syntax you used, https://wiki.php.net/rfc/objectarrayliterals ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2013-07-19 10:25:40] llmll at gmx dot de typo in summary corrected ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2013-07-19 10:20:30] llmll at gmx dot de Description: ------------ As PHP does not support *real* overloading by different parameter sets, arrays are being used for dynamic parameters as well as for object initialization in constructors. However arrays use strings as keys, which kills syntax highlighting and refactoring capabilities in IDEs. PHP engine should provide a way to initialize an object inline by dynamically providing parameters to new(). Test script: --------------- $object = new Object({ StringMember: "content", Counter: 42, ArrayMember: ["old" => "way"] }); Expected result: ---------------- $object->StringMember = "content"; $object->Counter = 42; $object->ArrayMember = array("old" => "way"); $object->MoreProperties = "stay untouched"; Actual result: -------------- not possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65296&edit=1