Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62639&edit=1

 ID:                 62639
 Comment by:         sergey at shymko dot net
 Reported by:        alexshock at yandex dot ru
 Summary:            XML structure broken
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            SimpleXML related
 Operating System:   debian 6.0.5
 PHP Version:        5.4.5
 Assigned To:        acurioso
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

The following workaround seems to fix both dumping and type casting:


class SimpleXMLElement_CloneFix extends SimpleXMLElement
    public function xpath($path)
        $result = parent::xpath($path) ?: array();
        foreach ($result as $node) {
        return $result;

    protected function _fixNode(SimpleXMLElement $node)
        if (!$node && (string)$node) {
            $dom = dom_import_simplexml($node);
            $dom->parentNode->replaceChild(clone $dom, $dom);

Unfortunately, the same approach does not work for children() method, because 
of mysterious nature of its returned value.
Despite returned object manifests itself as an instance of SimpleXMLElement, it 
does not behave as such.
For instance, it is incompatible with dom_import_simplexml().
So, what kind of SimpleXMLElement is that?

Previous Comments:
[2013-06-14 00:21:27] info at fuktommy dot com

It causes not only wrong var_dump and print_r, but also wrong boolean cast.

Test script:
$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <b>Some String</b>

$b = simplexml_load_string($xml)->xpath('/a/b');

Expected result:
string(11) "Some String"

Actual result:
string(11) "Some String"

[2013-04-24 07:48:36] larue...@php.net

I think we should revert the previous fix at now, since this new bug is more 
critical than the previous one.

and I think the key problem there is that we can not tell iterating from 
convert_to_array in the sxe_get_prop_hash

without that, I don't think we can get a good fix for the 034.phpt

[2013-02-18 21:21:48] sala...@php.net

Related To: Bug #62203

[2012-07-30 01:57:05] willfi...@php.net

I think that would make more sense.  Thanks, Andrew.

[2012-07-30 00:58:13] acuri...@php.net

I can confirm that reverting that patch does fix the bug; however, it causes 
the original test to fail again:

SimpleXML: cast to array [ext/simplexml/tests/034.phpt]
Bug #51615 (PHP crash with wrong HTML in SimpleXML) 

See: ext/simplexml/tests/034.phpt for more information.

Ignore bug51615.phpt for now. That is just a side effect of test 34.

I would actually prefer if I could take the first stab at this bug myself since 
it was clearly introduced in my code. I'd be hesitate to just revert the 
changes since that would break test 34.


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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=62639&edit=1

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