Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65416&edit=1

 ID:                 65416
 User updated by:    jwestbrook at gmail dot com
 Reported by:        jwestbrook at gmail dot com
 Summary:            output buffering autostart setting php.ini
-Status:             Feedback
+Status:             Open
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Output Control
 Operating System:   linux 64bit AWS ami
 PHP Version:        5.4.17
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:


  string(4) "Core"
  string(4) "date"
  string(4) "ereg"
  string(6) "libxml"
  string(7) "openssl"
  string(4) "pcre"
  string(4) "zlib"
  string(3) "bz2"
  string(8) "calendar"
  string(5) "ctype"
  string(4) "hash"
  string(6) "filter"
  string(3) "ftp"
  string(7) "gettext"
  string(3) "gmp"
  string(3) "SPL"
  string(5) "iconv"
  string(10) "Reflection"
  string(7) "session"
  string(8) "standard"
  string(5) "shmop"
  string(9) "SimpleXML"
  string(7) "sockets"
  string(8) "mbstring"
  string(9) "tokenizer"
  string(3) "xml"
  string(14) "apache2handler"
  string(7) "gearman"
  string(4) "http"
  string(4) "ssh2"
  string(4) "curl"
  string(3) "dom"
  string(8) "fileinfo"
  string(2) "gd"
  string(8) "igbinary"
  string(4) "json"
  string(4) "exif"
  string(6) "mcrypt"
  string(9) "memcached"
  string(7) "mysqlnd"
  string(5) "mysql"
  string(6) "mysqli"
  string(8) "newrelic"
  string(3) "PDO"
  string(9) "pdo_mysql"
  string(10) "pdo_sqlite"
  string(4) "Phar"
  string(5) "posix"
  string(4) "snmp"
  string(4) "soap"
  string(7) "sqlite3"
  string(7) "sysvmsg"
  string(7) "sysvsem"
  string(7) "sysvshm"
  string(4) "wddx"
  string(9) "xmlreader"
  string(9) "xmlwriter"
  string(3) "xsl"
  string(3) "zip"
  string(5) "mhash"
  string(12) "Zend OPcache"
string(14) "apache2handler"

12 requests where I was able to note that the output buffer failed out of 142 
requests to that specific script.

As a whole I average 150,000 PHP requests per day

Previous Comments:
[2013-08-26 22:45:23] yohg...@php.net

I guess there is some kind of memory problem.
What modules are loaded in your web server and SAPI?

var_dump(get_loaded_extensions(), php_sapi_name());                             

or paste phpinfo() output.

> at least 12 times a day PHP fails to start the output buffer and I get the 
error shown.

How many requests a day you have?

[2013-08-26 21:35:48] jwestbrook at gmail dot com

@mike at php.net Yes that is the bug I'm reporting - the php.ini setting does 
start the output buffer on every request.

[2013-08-19 22:19:57] m...@php.net

Looks like when this is logged, there actually is no output buffer active, so 
ob_get_length() returns false.

[2013-08-19 22:07:01] jwestbrook at gmail dot com

I also tried the settings of On and 1.

I also understand that #!/usr/bin/php means nothing to output buffering but is 
output that 
I want to capture if the php file is being run from a browser and discard.

>From what I understand that is not how the output buffering works. The way I 
>understand it 
the output buffer fills then dumps everything when it is full. In this instance 
before the 
output buffer fills I want to discard the first 15 characters because it will 
corrupt any 
binary files that the browser is trying to download.

Based on the test script attached ob_get_length() should ALWAYS return 15 
characters - 
however at least 12 times a day PHP fails to start the output buffer and I get 
the error 

[2013-08-18 06:52:49] yohg...@php.net

"#!" does not have special meaning for Web server SAPI.

I think you are sending data larger than output buffer size. Then this is the 
way supposed to be.

output_buffering=On or 1 is special. It enables unlimited buffering. Anything 
other values set buffer chunk size and PHP tries to send data larger than chunk 

Check your buffer size (i.e. output_buffering setting of php.ini file)
I guess you have very small output_buffering. Old output buffer increases size 
automatically, IIRC. New output buffer does not increase buffer size.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65416&edit=1

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