Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54054&edit=1

 ID:                 54054
 Updated by:         tony2...@php.net
 Reported by:        morpika at vipmail dot hu
 Summary:            Autoload not called in user-defined error handler
                     function in case of E_STRICT
-Status:             Open
+Status:             Not a bug
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System:   FreeBSD 8.0
 PHP Version:        5.3.5
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Here's how it looks:
1) PHP tries to compile a file
2) an error is found and the error handler is triggered (but we're still in 
3) since we're already in compiler, we can't call the compiler again - the 
compiler is 
not reentrant, so autoload is skipped.
4) class not found.
This behaviour is by design and isn't going to change without complete rewrite 
the compiler (if ever).

Previous Comments:
[2013-08-22 09:07:24] ota dot mares at gmail dot com

I have the same issue with a more complex setup using monolog, the custom 
error handler and gelf as logger.

Instead of logging the message "Warning: The use statement with non-compound 
'UnexpectedValueException' has no effect in ...IndexController.php on line 11" 
php error handling hickups, resulting in following error: "Fatal error: Class 
'Gelf\Message' not found in ...IndexController.php on line 11". Please note 
the above warning is never shown or logged in this case. All you get is a 
confusing fatal message.

In all other scenarios the logging works, which leads to the assumption that 
autoloading never happens in the given case.

[2012-12-27 09:41:18] nicolas dot grekas+php at gmail dot com

This bug is a duplicate of bug #42098.

[2011-09-14 12:41:59] web at darrengordon dot net

The use of opcoding caching can cause this issue to not be reproducable.

Test steps:
1. Enable opcode caching (APC), restart your httpd to ensure the opcode cache 
is clean.
2. Request testa.php to trigger the E_STRICT.

*error_handler(): "Declaration of Bar::baz() should be compatible with that of 

Fatal error: Class 'Error' not found in /<path>/trigger_e_strict.php on line 3

3. Uncomment line #25: "include('doesntexist');" and re-request testa.php to 
trigger the E_WARNING.

*error_handler(): "include(doesntexist): failed to open stream: No such file or 
*__autoload(): "Error"
*error_handler(): "include(): Failed opening 'doesntexist' for inclusion 
*error_handler(): "Declaration of Bar::baz() should be compatible with that of 

4. Recomment line #25: "include('doesntexist');" and re-request testa.php to 
trigger the E_STRICT.

*error_handler(): "Declaration of Bar::baz() should be compatible with that of 
*_autoload(): "Error"

Expected result:
Steps 2. and 4. should output the same result as the code is identical.

Actual result:
Steps 2. and 4. output different results.
Step 2. behaves according to the "Actual result" of bug #54054.
Step 4. behaves according to the Expected result" of bug #54054.

This behaviour should be noted when reproducing bug #54054 as it will cause the 
issue to not be reproducable.

PHP 5.3.2
Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS



// Set error handler

// Error handler
function error_handler($severity, $message)
        echo "*error_handler(): \"$message\"\n";
        return Error::output();

// Autoloader
function __autoload($class)
        echo "*__autoload(): \"$class\"\n";
        // Load class 'Error'
        eval("class $class { 
                public static function output() { echo '*' . __CLASS__ . 
'::output()\n'; } 

// Trigger E_WARNING - Uncomment to alter opcode cache

// Trigger E_STRICT

// Trigger E_STRICT
class Foo { public function baz($var){} }
class Bar extends Foo { public function baz() {} }

[2011-09-14 11:43:03] phil at propcom dot co dot uk

This is still an issue.

The 2 test cases below should hopefully sum this up for you.

Case 1...

include() call fails and generates an E_WARNING
E_WARNING is caught by the error handler
Error handler attempts to use \Error class and calls the autoloader because it 
is not currently loaded

...Case 2

The included file (http://codepad.viper-7.com/xyCn8C) generates an E_STRICT
E_STRICT is caught by the error handler
Error handler attempts to use \Error class and fails with a fatal error WITHOUT 
calling the autoloader

The problem is that, in case 2, it is expected that the autoloader would be 
used to load the \Error class. This doesn't appear to be the case.

Case 1: http://codepad.viper-7.com/b065B1

Case 2: http://codepad.viper-7.com/qi5185
Included file (xyCn8C) in Case 2: http://codepad.viper-7.com/xyCn8C

[2011-02-19 14:39:37] morpika at vipmail dot hu

__autoload function is not called in user-defined error handler function in 
case of E_STRICT error. In case of any other type of errors (thet user-defined 
error handler function can handle) the autoload function is called properly.

Test script:

function php_error($errno, $errcode) { t_class::t_function($errno, $errcode); }
function __autoload($class_name) { echo 'autoload called'; exit; }

nf.php (to create an E_STRICT ERROR: Redefining already defined constructor):

class number_format {
public function __construct() {}
public function number_format($number) { echo number_format($number, 0, '.', 
'.'); }

Expected result:
autoload called

Actual result:
Fatal error: Class 't_class' not found


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54054&edit=1

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