Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65821&edit=1

 ID:                 65821
 Updated by:         dmi...@php.net
 Reported by:        ni...@php.net
 Summary:            By-ref foreach on property access of string offset
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Scripting Engine problem
 PHP Version:        5.5.4
-Assigned To:        dmitry
+Assigned To:        nikic
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Nikita, I think you are right, and ZEND_FETCH_ADD_LOCK may be removed, because 
now the situation that it handled resolved by the code at the end of the 
handler, anyway.

I mean the situation when array might be destroyed right in ZEND_FETCH_OBJ_W 
handler and EX_T(opline->result.var).var.ptr_ptr would be incorrect. e.g.

function foo() {
        return array((object)array('x'=>array('a','b','c')));

foreach (foo()[0]->x as &$x) {
        echo "$x\n";

Now it must be handled by:

        if (OP1_TYPE == IS_VAR && OP1_FREE && READY_TO_DESTROY(free_op1.var)) {

So, your patch looks fine (I hope I didn't miss anything important)
Fell free to commit it into PHP-5.5 and above.

Please, also check if we need to set "opline->extended_value = 1" for 
ZEND_FREE/ZEND_SWITCH_FREE opcodes in generate_free_foreach_copy().
I think we don't need it anymore as well.

Previous Comments:
[2013-10-02 21:27:52] ni...@php.net

@dmity: Could you please take a look whether the ZEND_FETCH_ADD_LOCK in foreach 
[1] is still necessary? I tried removing it [2] and I didn't get any test 
failures in Zend/ or tests/, so maybe this is just a leftover?

 [1]: http://lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_compile.c#6237
 [2]: https://gist.github.com/nikic/6800754

[2013-10-02 21:23:54] ni...@php.net

This segfaults:

$str = "foo";
foreach ($str[0]->bar as &$baz) {}

Because http://lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#1391 uses 
var.ptr_ptr without NULL check (FETCH_OBJ_W with ZEND_FETCH_ADD_LOCK).


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65821&edit=1

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