ID:               21534
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         *Math Functions
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:      4.3.0
 New Comment:

More information.

I found the following code:

Which I then compiled w/ the gmp lib I have installed. Using that
little C program that calls the gmp lib directly, the Diophantine
equation mentioned in the bug submission gives the correct results:

% ./a.out
a = 1027

b = 712

d = 1

s = -165

t = 238

d =? 1

Which is the correct solution.

And using a = 12 and b = 21:

% ./a.out
a = 12

b = 21

d = 3

s = 2

t = -1

d =? 3

Bottomline: The GMP lib seems to be behaving OK, so maybe somewhere
along the passing of the values from PHP to the lib the values are
being corrupted?

In view of this I had not sent a bug report to the GMP lib

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-08 18:56:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was testing some of the gmp functions and found that gmp_gcdext()
does not behave as the prototype and description claim, or I am not
understanding what exactly is the correct behavior of the function.

Based on the decsription in the documentation for the gmp library, and
the gmp_gcdext() function in the PHP manual, the code:

      $r = gmp_gcdext($a, $b); 

should return an array $r w/ elements g, s, and t, such that:

      $a*$s + $b*$t = $g  [Eq. 1]

where: $g = gmp_gcd($a, b);

Eq. [1] is similar to what is know as a "Diophantine Equation". See for more
information, and an example.

Using: $a = gmp_init(1027); and $b = gmp_init(712); the function
gmp_gcdext() fails to produce the correct results. In fact, using
almost any set of values it just gives non-sensical results.

The following code:
    echo "Diophantine equation: 1027*s + 712*t = 1\n";
    echo "Solution: s = -165, t = 238\n";
    $res = -165*1027 + 238*712;
    echo "Check: 1027*(-165) + 238*712 = $res\n\n";
    $a = gmp_init(1027);
    $b = gmp_init(712);
    echo 'a = '.gmp_strval($a)."\n";
    echo 'b = '.gmp_strval($b)."\n";
    $g = gmp_gcd($a, $b);
    echo 'g = gcd(a,b) = '.gmp_strval($g)."\n";
    echo "\na = ".gmp_strval($a)."\n";
    echo 'b = '.gmp_strval($b)."\n";
    $r = gmp_gcdext($a, $b);
    echo 'g = '.gmp_strval($r['g'])."\n";
    echo 's = '.gmp_strval($r['s'])."\n";
    echo 't = '.gmp_strval($r['t'])."\n";
    $test = gmp_add(gmp_mul($a, $r['s']), gmp_mul($b, $r['t']));
    echo 'a*s + b*t = '.gmp_strval($test)."\n";

Produces the output:

a = 1027
b = 712
g = gcd(a,b) = 1

a = 1027
b = 712
array(3) {
  resource(7) of type (GMP integer)
  resource(8) of type (GMP integer)
  resource(9) of type (GMP integer)
g = 1027
s = 1
t = 0
a*s + b*t = 1027

Which is clearly wrong. If you look at the URL mentioned above, the
solution to:

     1027x + 712y = 1

is: x = -165, y = 238

When I used 12 and 21 for $a and $b respectively, I got:
a = 12
b = 21
g = gcd(a,b) = 3

a = 12
b = 21
array(3) {
  resource(7) of type (GMP integer)
  resource(8) of type (GMP integer)
  resource(9) of type (GMP integer)
g = 12
s = 1
t = 0
a*s + b*t = 12

And when I used 21 and 12 for $a and $b respectively:

a = 21
b = 12
g = gcd(a,b) = 3

a = 21
b = 12
array(3) {
  resource(7) of type (GMP integer)
  resource(8) of type (GMP integer)
  resource(9) of type (GMP integer)
g = 21
s = 1
t = 0
a*s + b*t = 21

The PHP wrapping code seems to be OK (from today's CVS, 2003-01-08),
and I gave up tracking down the wrapping macros and such in the gmp lib
code, where the actual bug might reside. Will send an email to the gmp
maintainers too.

I am using gmp 4.1.2, and testing w/ PHP 4.3.0 CLI, under Solaris 8.


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