ID:               21604
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Zend Engine 2 problem
 Operating System: Windows 2000 Server
 PHP Version:      4.2.3
 New Comment:

Yup, this is a feature indeed and wont be fixed because of BC reasons. 

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-25 08:51:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

for ZE1 this is definetly a (documented?) feature ...

i don't know about ZE2, but for backwards compatibility reasons i think
this 'feature' will stay ...

any authoritative comments on this?


[2003-01-15 20:11:14] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can someone from an authority standpoint look into this?

If it is a feature, then it is potentially quite dangerous, 
both from a security standpoint as well as from on 
operational standpoint.

Why bother having class variables at all if that is the 


[2003-01-15 11:50:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is a "feature", not a bug. I can see good uses for this, my
DataObject class uses this feature for dynamically adding instance
variables from database records.


[2003-01-12 22:46:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you run the following script and check the output, you will see the
that variable JUNK has been dynamically defined in the class X_Row() by
using the statement:

  $user->query_row->JUNK = "stuff";

This behaviour certainly wasn't what I would expect.


 class X {
         var $query_row;
         function X() {
                   $this->query_row = new X_Row();
  class X_Row
   var $USERNAME;
   var $PASSWORD;
   var $CHECKING;
      function X_Row() {
                        $this->USERNAME = NULL;
                        $this->PASSWORD = NULL;
                        $this->CHECKING = NULL;
   } //end function X_Row

 } //X_Row 

  $user = new X();
  //$user->query_row is of class X_Row
  //Therefore, the next statement should be valid, 
  //USERNAME has been declared in X_Row
  $user->query_row->USERNAME = 'mtl';
  //But the next statement shouldn't be
  //because the variable JUNK has not
  //been declared in the class
  $user->query_row->JUNK = 'stuff';
  $classname = get_class($user->query_row);
  $classvars = get_class_vars($classname);
  $query_row_class_vars = array_keys($classvars);
  echo "classname:{$classname}<br>";
  echo "classvars:<br>";
  echo "<br>query_row_class_vars<br>";
  echo "<br><br>HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? SEE BELOW!!!!!!!!!";
  echo "<br>user->query_row:<br>";



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