ID:               15224
 Comment by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         OpenSSL related
 Operating System: Linux RH 7.1
 PHP Version:      4.1.1
 New Comment:

> Please try using this CVS snapshot:

I did this; no dice.

It seems to be dying inside SSL_CTX_ctrl (via SSL_CTX_set_options) when
called from apache's ssl_init_ConfigureServer at this line:

SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_ALL);

This is the same behavior it had before.  Thanks.

Previous Comments:

[2003-02-12 20:16:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2003-02-12 14:21:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More details:
This happens with curl 7.9.8 or 7.10.3.
OpenSSL 0.9.7 or a variety of flavors of 0.9.6.


[2003-02-12 14:20:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FreeBSD 4.6-stable
PHP 4.2.2 --with-curl
curl --with-ssl
Apache 1.3.27 with SSL

To reproduce the bug:
* start apache
* send a HUP signal to apache's parent process (to restart it)

The server needn't serve any pages (php or otherwise).  Apache crashes
while trying to reinitialize SSL.

Running the same version of everything, but curl compiled --without-ssl
makes it work correctly: the apache parent kills off its children and
spawns new ones.


[2002-02-27 00:00:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".


[2002-01-26 14:32:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Same problem ...
w/ OpenSSL it goes down everytime.
(version 4.1.1 goes down just if the script uses PHP authentication,
4.0.6 gets 'crazy' after some time ... really stable environment :( )
Btw, IMHO it's not Apache/SSL/glibc/libs problem ...
I've tried many different configurations (various Apaches, various
Unixes, various compilers, various libraries (freetype, ...), various
PHP4 configs) past three days ...
still having the same problem.
30 mins ago I found it works if I disable OpenSSL (EAPI).
Uff ... I call this 'total waste of time'.

PS: The only common things in this case are: gd 1.8.4, PHP3 + PHP4
support (--enable-versioning), all as DSO. And no, removing PHP3 won't
solve the problem, I've already tried that ... guess what happened?


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