ID:               9852
 Comment by:       dragel at elelog dot es
 Reported By:      ron dot baldwin at sourceprose dot com
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         IIS related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 New Comment:

I solve the error replacing:


for a calling to a function:

function ODBC($conex,$sql){
 return odbc_do($conex,$sql);


$q=ODBC($conex,"select ...");

the use of a function make spend time and solve the problem. It works
for me!

Previous Comments:

[2003-01-28 05:11:57] mlaukast1 at hotmail dot com

There's an interesting solution to 502 CGI Error in bug report #21681
by [EMAIL PROTECTED] Altough I wasn't able to get rid of the error
entirely, the solution dramatically reduced the appearance of it.


[2003-01-12 15:16:09] theo dot schoeberl at tssystems dot de

We have chanced our PHP-Script from using ODBC to native MSSQL (using
the MSSQL library). The same error (incl. 502 Bad Gateway).

The next try was to change the server name to its IP address within the
connect statement - and it works!!!!!

No error since the change, running now over 14 days!

May be there is a problem (known under Windows systems) resolving the
server name?

Hope this helps a lot of PHP developers running Windows systems!



[2003-01-07 17:29:12] vincent at sunlight dot tmfweb dot nl

Just an idea: does it help to close the database connection right
before calling the header('Location: URL') function? I understand that
putting in a timer helps (most of the time), but I think that's a bit
of an ugly solution. I mean: how long should you wait? The ideal number
of microseconds to sleep depends on the server, the load on the server,
and so on. As the problem occurs when there is a database connection, I
wonder if it goes away if this connection is closed, before doing the
real redirecting. Sadly enough I can't test this myself, because I
don't have access to a server that's fast enough. Anyone?


[2002-12-28 19:08:25] theo dot schoeberl at tssystems dot de

We have posted this problem first at 2001-06-28 (ID# 11788). This
request was closed (Bogus) with the following comment:

Once and for all: It's not the lack of interest, it's the lack of good
developers with knowledge about it. Historically, OpenSource projects
operating in cross-platform environments have a stronger unix
community. It's a fact.

I think, the best way for IIS-Users is, to develope there page under

And for PHP you should say: running under all unix plattforms - but not
under IIS!


[2002-12-27 07:00:54] nicolas at colbert dot ws

Good Afternoon,

I have seen many comments regarding PHP should be compliant with
enterprise software.  I would suggest that it is - UNIX and Apache are
enterprise level solutions and PHP is a ROCK star on those platforms. 
Just because we are no forcing it to do things on an AXX Backward
platform like MS W2k and XP is not a reason to complain.  

I have run into the issue, because I am having to rewrite our
authentication scripts because the IIS CGI cannont handle a simple
authentication redirect.  Before you blame PHP, try looking at all the
garbage hoops that IIS puts you through.



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