ID:               22288
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      andre dot goncalves at martelozero dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Variables related
 Operating System: Linux
-PHP Version:      4.3.1
+PHP Version:      4.3.1-dev
 New Comment:

Your script has serious sets some cookies?
It also has some errors, apparently caused by the missing
cookie value? This really doesn't seem like any 
problem in PHP..

Previous Comments:

[2003-02-18 23:26:04] andre dot goncalves at martelozero dot com

Hi! this is really a spooky situation!  

A. problem with a class only happening in one site (other
implementations use same class and always worked fine).

B. It only happens the first time I hit the site. 

C. press F5, or re-enter address, and the problem is gone. 

D. restarting browser, causes the problem again. 

E. problem is: 

The 2nd time I call a method on a certain object, 
neither the method parameters, neither the global vars are 
acessible, only the pre-declared class members are there.

Remember, i have made a call to this method in the same script
exexcutation, some 20 lines before.

F. Even more spooky, some vars tend to echo values (wrong 
values) but var_dump shows NULL for the same var, 
right from the next line of code!!! 

G. Check below example: 

output 1, 3 and 4 show vardump of function parameters NULL 

ouput 2 shows that local var $_query (the function's parameter $_query)
receives the return value of the previous function foofunction() call

output 3 shows that variable is in fact NULL 

output 5 shows that local var is not accessible 

output 6 shows that global var is accessible 

output 7 and 8 shows class members ok 

output 9 and 10 shows assigning local vars impossible!!!! 

H. Don't belive me? TEST IT: 

Looks like assignment of variables is totally messed up (currupt?) 

The script is like dead: I also tried unseting the global 
instance of $mydbclass and recreating it, but I get NULL 
if I vardump the new instance!!! 

Please help me on this one! 


//:: test function 
function foofunction($_bla) { 
return "YOUR BLAH: ".$_bla; 

$fooglobal= "fooglobal"; 

// function call 
$mydbclass->query("select id from user"); 

//class definition 
class mydbclass { 

var $version = 1.0 

function mydbclass() { 
$this->connect(); } 

// more class methods ... 

function query($_query = "foo", $_fooparam = "bar") { 
global $fooglobal; 
global $queryix; 

$foolocal = "foolocal"; 
$this->foonewmember = "foonewmember"; 

echo "($queryix) _query="; 
var_dump($_query);echo BR; 
//:: 1 outputs: (2) _query=NULL 

if (!($this->tmp = mysql_query($_query))) { ; 

$this->tmp2 = $this->bla("select id from zero_user"); 

echo "_query echo="; 
//::2 outputs: _query echo=YOUR BLAH: bla bla 

echo "_query dump="; 
//::3 ouputs: _query dump=NULL 

echo "_fooparam="; 
//::4 ouputs: fooparam=NULL 

echo "globalfoo="; 
//::5 ouputs: fooglobal=fooglobal 

echo "foolocal="; 
//::6 ouputs: foolocal=NULL 

echo "foonewmember="; 
//::7 ouputs: foonewmember=string(12) "foonewmember" 

echo "foooldmember="; 
//::8 ouputs: foooldmember=string(9) "foooldmember" 

echo "result1="; 
//::9 ouputs: result1=bool(false) 

echo "result2="; 
//::10 ouputs: result2=NULL 


// more class methods ... 

} // end of class 


André Gonçalves


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