ID:               22091
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      slash at peereboom dot us
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: OpenBSD 3.2 sparc64
 PHP Version:      4.3.0
 New Comment:

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

Previous Comments:

[2003-02-06 16:24:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PLEASE try this snapshot:

(what is pre-snapshot anyway?)

And I asked the output of _ONE_ test, not ALL of them..
Do NOT add any more long texts!!


[2003-02-06 11:35:28] slash at peereboom dot us

[root@sparc64 php-4.3.0]# make test

CWD         : /root/php-4.3.0
PHP         : /root/php-4.3.0/sapi/cli/php 
PHP_SAPI    : cli
PHP_OS      : OpenBSD
INI actual  : /root/php-4.3.0
More .INIs  : 
Extra dirs  : 
TIME START 2003-02-06 11:14:28
PASS EXPECT [tests/run-test/test001.phpt]
PASS EXPECTF [tests/run-test/test002.phpt]
PASS EXPECTREGEX [tests/run-test/test003.phpt]
PASS INI section allows '=' [tests/run-test/test004.phpt]
PASS Error message handling [tests/run-test/test005.phpt]
PASS Error messages are shown [tests/run-test/test006.phpt]
PASS dirname test [tests/run-test/test007.phpt]
PASS Trivial "Hello World" test [tests/basic/001.phpt]
SKIP Simple POST Method test [tests/basic/002.phpt]
SKIP GET and POST Method combined [tests/basic/003.phpt]
SKIP Two variables in POST data [tests/basic/004.phpt]
SKIP Three variables in POST data [tests/basic/005.phpt]
PASS Add 3 variables together and print result [tests/basic/006.phpt]
PASS Multiply 3 variables and print result [tests/basic/007.phpt]
PASS Divide 3 variables and print result [tests/basic/008.phpt]
PASS Subtract 3 variables and print result [tests/basic/009.phpt]
PASS Testing | and & operators [tests/basic/010.phpt]
SKIP Testing $argc and $argv handling (GET) [tests/basic/011.phpt]
PASS Testing $argc and $argv handling (cli) [tests/basic/012.phpt]
PASS Bug #20539 (PHP CLI Segmentation Fault)
PASS Methods via variable name, bug #20120
PASS Classes general test [tests/classes/class_example.phpt]
PASS Classes inheritance test [tests/classes/inheritance.phpt]
PASS Strlen() function test [tests/func/001.phpt]
PASS Static variables in functions [tests/func/002.phpt]
PASS General function test [tests/func/003.phpt]
PASS General function test [tests/func/004.phpt]
PASS Testing register_shutdown_function() [tests/func/005.phpt]
PASS Output buffering tests [tests/func/006.phpt]
PASS INI functions test [tests/func/007.phpt]
PASS Test for buffering in core functions with implicit flush off
PASS Test for buffering in core functions with implicit flush on
PASS Simple If condition test [tests/lang/001.phpt]
PASS Simple While Loop Test [tests/lang/002.phpt]
PASS Simple Switch Test [tests/lang/003.phpt]
PASS Simple If/Else Test [tests/lang/004.phpt]
PASS Simple If/ElseIf/Else Test [tests/lang/005.phpt]
PASS Nested If/ElseIf/Else Test [tests/lang/006.phpt]
PASS Function call with global and static variables
PASS Testing recursive function [tests/lang/008.phpt]
PASS Testing function parameter passing [tests/lang/009.phpt]
PASS Testing function parameter passing with a return value
PASS Testing nested functions [tests/lang/011.phpt]
PASS Testing stack after early function return [tests/lang/012.phpt]
PASS Testing eval function [tests/lang/013.phpt]
PASS Testing eval function inside user-defined function
PASS Testing include [tests/lang/015.phpt]
PASS Testing user-defined function in included file
PASS Testing user-defined function falling out of an If into another
PASS eval() test [tests/lang/018.phpt]
PASS eval() test [tests/lang/019.phpt]
PASS Switch test 1 [tests/lang/020.phpt]
PASS Switch test 2 [tests/lang/021.phpt]
PASS Switch test 3 [tests/lang/022.phpt]
PASS Regression test [tests/lang/023.phpt]
PASS Looped regression test (may take a while) [tests/lang/024.phpt]
PASS Mean recursion test [tests/lang/025.phpt]
PASS Testing string scanner confirmance [tests/lang/026.phpt]
PASS Testing do-while loop [tests/lang/027.phpt]
PASS Testing calling user-level functions from C [tests/lang/028.phpt]
SKIP OO Bug Test (Bug #7515) [tests/lang/029.phpt] (reason: Zend Engine
2 needed)
PASS $this in constructor test [tests/lang/030.phpt]
PASS Internal hash position bug on assignment (Bug #16227)
PASS Class method registration [tests/lang/032.phpt]
PASS Alternative syntaxes test [tests/lang/033.phpt]
SKIP Locale settings affecting float parsing [tests/lang/034.phpt]
SKIP ZE2: set_exception_handler() [tests/lang/035.phpt] (reason: Zend
engine 2 required)
PASS Bison weirdness [tests/lang/bison1.phpt]
PASS Bug #19566 (get_declared_classes() segfaults)
SKIP Bug #20175 (Static vars can't store ref to new instance)
[tests/lang/bug20175.phpt] (reason: ZE1 does not have static class
PASS String functions [tests/strings/001.phpt]
PASS Formatted print functions [tests/strings/002.phpt]
PASS highlight_string() buffering [tests/strings/004.phpt]
PASS bcadd() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcadd.phpt]
PASS bccomp() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bccomp.phpt]
PASS bcdiv() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcdiv.phpt]
PASS bcmod() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcmod.phpt]
PASS bcmul() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcmul.phpt]
PASS bcpow() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcpow.phpt]
PASS bcscale() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcscale.phpt]
PASS bcsqrt() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcsqrt.phpt]
PASS bcsub() function [ext/bcmath/tests/bcsub.phpt]
FAIL ctype on integers [ext/ctype/tests/001.phpt]
PASS ctype on strings [ext/ctype/tests/002.phpt]
PASS DBA File Creation Test [ext/dba/tests/dba001.phpt] (info: GDBM
handler used)
PASS DBA Insert/Fetch Test [ext/dba/tests/dba002.phpt] (info: GDBM
handler used)
PASS DBA Insert/Replace/Fetch Test [ext/dba/tests/dba003.phpt] (info:
GDBM handler used)
PASS DBA Multiple Insert/Fetch Test [ext/dba/tests/dba004.phpt] (info:
GDBM handler used)
PASS DBA FirstKey/NextKey Loop Test With 5 Items
[ext/dba/tests/dba005.phpt] (info: GDBM handler used)
PASS DBA FirstKey/NextKey with 2 deletes [ext/dba/tests/dba006.phpt]
(info: GDBM handler used)
PASS DBA Multiple File Creation Test [ext/dba/tests/dba007.phpt] (info:
GDBM handler used)
PASS DBA magic_quotes_runtime Test [ext/dba/tests/dba008.phpt] (info:
GDBM handler used)
SKIP DBA CDB handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_cdb.phpt] (reason: CDB
handler not available)
SKIP DBA CDB_MAKE handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_cdb_make.phpt]
(reason: CDB_MAKE handler not available)
SKIP DBA CDB handler test (read only) [ext/dba/tests/dba_cdb_read.phpt]
(reason: CDB handler not available)
SKIP DBA DB2 handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_db2.phpt] (reason: DB2
handler not available)
SKIP DBA DB3 handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_db3.phpt] (reason: DB3
handler not available)
SKIP DBA DBM handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_dbm.phpt] (reason: DBM
handler not available)
SKIP DBA FlatFile handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_flatfile.phpt]
(reason: FlatFile handler not available)
PASS DBA GDBM handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_gdbm.phpt]
SKIP DBA NDBM handler test [ext/dba/tests/dba_ndbm.phpt] (reason: NDBM
handler not available)
PASS Bug #16069 [ext/iconv/tests/bug16069.phpt]
PASS EUC-JP to ISO-2022-JP [ext/iconv/tests/eucjp2iso2022jp.phpt]
PASS EUC-JP to SJIS [ext/iconv/tests/eucjp2sjis.phpt]
PASS EUC-JP to UTF8 [ext/iconv/tests/eucjp2utf8.phpt]
PASS iconv() test 1 [ext/iconv/tests/iconv001.phpt]
PASS iconv() test 2 (UCS4BE to ASCII) [ext/iconv/tests/iconv002.phpt]
PASS iconv() test 3 [ext/iconv/tests/iconv003.phpt]
FAIL ob_iconv_handler() [ext/iconv/tests/ob_iconv_handler.phpt]
PASS Translit failure [ext/iconv/tests/translit-failure.phpt]
FAIL Translit UTF-8 quotes [ext/iconv/tests/translit-utf8.phpt]
FAIL OpenSSL private key functions [ext/openssl/tests/001.phpt]
PASS preg_split() bug #20528 [ext/pcre/tests/bug20528.phpt]
PASS session object serialization [ext/session/tests/001.phpt]
PASS session_unset() without a initialized session
PASS session object deserialization [ext/session/tests/003.phpt]
PASS session_set_save_handler test [ext/session/tests/004.phpt]
PASS custom save handler, multiple session_start()s, complex data
structure test. [ext/session/tests/005.phpt]
PASS correct instantiation of references between variables in sessions
PASS bug compatibility: unset($c) with enabled register_globals
PASS bug compatibility: global is used albeit register_globals=0
SKIP bug compatibility: global is used albeit register_globals=0
[ext/session/tests/008.phpt] (reason: this is for PHP < 4.2.3)
PASS unset($_SESSION["name"]); should work with register_globals=off
PASS $session_array = explode(";", session_encode()); should not
segfault [ext/session/tests/010.phpt]
PASS session_decode(); should not segfault
PASS registering $_SESSION should not segfault
PASS redefining SID should not cause warnings
FAIL a script should not be able to modify session.use_trans_sid
FAIL use_trans_sid should not affect SID [ext/session/tests/015.phpt]
PASS invalid session.save_path should not cause a segfault
PASS setting $_SESSION before session_start() should not cause segfault
FAIL rewriter correctly handles attribute names which contain dashes
FAIL serializing references test case using globals
FAIL rewriter uses arg_seperator.output for modifying URLs
FAIL rewriter handles form and fieldset tags correctly
PASS aggregating everything
PASS aggregating all methods
PASS aggregating methods specified in the list
PASS aggregating methods matching regular expression
PASS aggregating all default properties
PASS aggregating default properties specified in the list
PASS aggregating default properties matching regular expression
PASS retrieving aggregation info
PASS deaggreating [ext/standard/tests/aggregation/deaggregate.phpt]
PASS Test array_merge and array_walk
PASS Test arsort, asort, krsort, ksort, rsort, and sort
PASS Test usort, uksort and uasort [ext/standard/tests/array/003.phpt]
PASS Test natsort and natcasesort [ext/standard/tests/array/004.phpt]
PASS Test array_shift behaviour [ext/standard/tests/array/005.phpt]
PASS Test array_pop behaviour [ext/standard/tests/array/006.phpt]
PASS Test array_diff and array_diff_assoc behaviour
PASS Test array_intersect and array_intersect_assoc behaviour
PASS array_change_key_case()
PASS array_chunk() [ext/standard/tests/array/array_chunk.phpt]
PASS array_count_values()
PASS search_array and in_array (including bug 13567)
PASS Bug #12776 (array_walk crash)
PASS Bug #20381 (array_merge_recursive mangles input arrays)
PASS Bug #20865 (array_key_exists and NULL key)
PASS Bug #21182 (range modifies arguments)
PASS count [ext/standard/tests/array/count_recursive.phpt]
PASS var_export() and objects with numeric indexes properties
PASS assert() [ext/standard/tests/assert/assert.phpt]
PASS File type functions [ext/standard/tests/file/001.phpt]
FAIL File/Stream functions [ext/standard/tests/file/002.phpt]
PASS is_*() and file_exists() return values are boolean.
PASS Bug #12556: fgetcvs ignores lengths when quotes not closed
PASS Bug #20424: stream_get_meta_data craches on a normal file stream
FAIL Bug #21131: fopen($filename, "a+") has broken position
PASS fopencookie detected and working (or cast mechanism works)
PASS User-space streams [ext/standard/tests/file/userstreams.phpt]
PASS sprintf() function
PASS quoted_printable_decode() function test
PASS levenshtein() function test
PASS fgetcsv() with tab delimited fields (BUG #8258)
PASS is_scalar() function test
PASS quoted_printable_decode() function test with CR/LF
PASS MD5 / Base64 [ext/standard/tests/general_functions/007.phpt]
PASS var_dump float test
PASS SHA1 [ext/standard/tests/general_functions/009.phpt]
PASS getopt [ext/standard/tests/general_functions/getopt.phpt]
PASS proc_open [ext/standard/tests/general_functions/proc_open.phpt]
PASS Bug #13213 (GetImageSize and wrong JPEG Comments
PASS GetImageSize() [ext/standard/tests/image/getimagesize.phpt]
PASS GetImageSize() with 246x247 pixels
PASS GetImageSize() with 384x385 pixels
SKIP GetImageSize() for compressed swf files
[ext/standard/tests/image/getimagesize_swc.phpt] (reason: zlib
extension is not avaliable)
PASS image_type_to_mime_type()
FAIL Simple math tests [ext/standard/tests/math/abs.phpt]
PASS Tests for floor en ceil [ext/standard/tests/math/floorceil.phpt]
PASS overflow check for _php_math_basetozval
PASS log() tests [ext/standard/tests/math/log.phpt]
FAIL Various pow() tests [ext/standard/tests/math/pow.phpt]
FAIL Simple math tests [ext/standard/tests/math/round.phpt]
PASS RegReplace test 1 [ext/standard/tests/reg/001.phpt]
PASS RegReplace test 2 [ext/standard/tests/reg/002.phpt]
PASS ereg_replace single-quote test [ext/standard/tests/reg/003.phpt]
PASS simple ereg test [ext/standard/tests/reg/004.phpt]
PASS Test Regular expression register support in ereg
PASS Test ereg_replace of start-of-line
PASS Test empty result buffer in reg_replace
PASS Test back-references in regular expressions
PASS Test split() [ext/standard/tests/reg/009.phpt]
PASS Long back references [ext/standard/tests/reg/010.phpt]
PASS \0 back reference [ext/standard/tests/reg/011.phpt]
PASS nonexisting back reference [ext/standard/tests/reg/012.phpt]
PASS escapes in replace string [ext/standard/tests/reg/013.phpt]
PASS backreferences not replaced recursively
PASS replace empty matches [ext/standard/tests/reg/015.phpt]
PASS test backslash handling in regular expressions
PASS serialize()/unserialize()/var_dump()
PASS serialize() (Bug #14293) [ext/standard/tests/serialize/002.phpt]
PASS unserialize() floats with E notation (#18654)
PASS Testing randomization of shuffle() and str_shuffle().
PASS addcslashes() and stripcslashes() function
PASS addslashes() and stripslashes() functions, normal and sybase-style
PASS bin2hex() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/bin2hex.phpt]
PASS Segfault on printf statement bug #20108
PASS Bug #20169 [ext/standard/tests/strings/bug20169.phpt]
PASS Bug #20261 (str_rot13() changes too much)
PASS Segfault on wordwrap statement bug #20927
FAIL Bug #20934 (htmlspecialchars returns latin1 from UTF-8)
PASS chr() and ord() functions
PASS chunk_split() function
PASS count_chars() function
PASS crc32() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/crc32.phpt]
PASS explode() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/explode.phpt]
PASS HTML entities [ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities.phpt]
FAIL htmlentities() test 1 (cp1252)
SKIP htmlentities() test 2 (setlocale / fr_FR.ISO-8859-15)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities02.phpt] (reason: setlocale()
SKIP htmlentities() test 3 (setlocale / de_DE.ISO-8859-1)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities03.phpt] (reason: setlocale()
SKIP htmlentities() test 4 (setlocale / ja_JP.EUC-JP)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities04.phpt] (reason: setlocale()
SKIP htmlentities() test 5 (mbstring / cp1252)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities05.phpt] (reason: mbstring not
SKIP htmlentities() test 6 (mbstring / ISO-8859-15)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities06.phpt] (reason: mbstring not
SKIP htmlentities() test 7 (mbstring / ISO-8859-1)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities07.phpt] (reason: mbstring not
SKIP htmlentities() test 8 (mbstring / EUC-JP)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities08.phpt] (reason: mbstring not
SKIP htmlentities() test 9 (mbstring / Shift_JIS)
[ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities09.phpt] (reason: mbstring not
FAIL htmlentities() test 10 (default_charset / cp1252)
PASS htmlentities() test 11 (default_charset / ISO-8859-15)
PASS htmlentities() test 12 (default_charset / ISO-8859-1)
FAIL htmlentities() test 13 (default_charset / EUC-JP)
FAIL htmlentities() test 14 (default_charset / Shift_JIS)
PASS implode() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/implode.phpt]
PASS nl2br() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/nl2br.phpt]
PASS str_repeat() function
PASS Testing str_shuffle.
FAIL Test strcspn() behavior [ext/standard/tests/strings/strcspn.phpt]
PASS Test whether strstr() and strrchr() are binary safe.
PASS strip_tags() function
PASS strpos() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/strpos.phpt]
PASS strrev() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/strrev.phpt]
FAIL Test strspn() behavior [ext/standard/tests/strings/strspn.phpt]
PASS strstr() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/strstr.phpt]
SKIP Test strtoupper on non-ASCII characters
[ext/standard/tests/strings/strtoupper.phpt] (reason: locale needed for
this test is not supported on this platform)
PASS strtr() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/strtr.phpt]
PASS substr_count() function
PASS trim(), rtrim() and ltrim() functions
PASS parse_url() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/url_t.phpt]
PASS wordwrap() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/wordwrap.phpt]
PASS microtime() function [ext/standard/tests/time/001.phpt]
PASS strtotime() function [ext/standard/tests/time/002.phpt]
PASS Check for mktime with out-of-range parameters
PASS version_compare test
FAIL XML parser test, function callbacks [ext/xml/tests/xml001.phpt]
FAIL XML parser test, object tuple callbacks
FAIL XML parser test, xml_set_object callbacks
FAIL XML parser case folding test [ext/xml/tests/xml004.phpt]
PASS UTF-8<->ISO Latin 1 encoding/decoding test
SKIP xml_parse_into_struct/umlauts in tags [ext/xml/tests/xml007.phpt]
(reason: strtoupper on non-ascii not supported on this platform)
PASS Pass long string to 'file' argument, bug #17791
PASS Pass object for xslt_error_handler, bug #17931
FAIL Relative and absolute arg handling [ext/xslt/tests/bug20177.phpt]
FAIL Don't override xslt_set_base (bug #20518)
PASS Memoryleak in error printing [ext/xslt/tests/xslt-001.phpt]
PASS Check for xslt presence [ext/xslt/tests/xslt.phpt]
SKIP xslt_backend_info: examples for detection of backend features
[ext/xslt/tests/xslt_backend_info.phpt] (reason: Information could not
be detected.)
SKIP xslt_getopt function [ext/xslt/tests/xslt_getopt.phpt]
FAIL Various ways to provide xml and xslt arguments and params
FAIL Crash xslt_process with reused handler (this test may take a
while) [ext/xslt/tests/xslt_process-002.phpt]
FAIL xslt_set_object function [ext/xslt/tests/xslt_set_object.phpt]
PASS Set a non-existing scheme handler
SKIP Override Sablotron file handler
[ext/xslt/tests/xslt_set_scheme_handlers-002.phpt] (reason: Sab CVS >
20021031 needed)
SKIP Core dump when returning FALSE in a handler
[ext/xslt/tests/xslt_set_scheme_handlers-003.phpt] (reason: Sablotron
CVS > 20021031 needed)
FAIL xslt_setopt function and public entities
SKIP Console_Getopt [pear/Console/tests/001-getopt.phpt]
SKIP PEAR constructor/destructor test [pear/tests/pear1.phpt]
SKIP PEAR_Autoloader [pear/tests/pear_autoloader.phpt]
SKIP PEAR_Config [pear/tests/pear_config.phpt]
SKIP PEAR_Error: basic test [pear/tests/pear_error.phpt]
SKIP PEAR_Error: die mode [pear/tests/pear_error2.phpt]
SKIP PEAR_Error: default error handling [pear/tests/pear_error3.phpt]
SKIP PEAR_Error: expected errors [pear/tests/pear_error4.phpt]
SKIP PEAR_Registry [pear/tests/pear_registry.phpt]
SKIP System commands tests [pear/tests/pear_system.phpt]

TIME END 2003-02-06 11:17:29
Exts skipped    :   70
Exts tested     :   18
Number of tests :  443
Tests skipped   :  192 (43.3%)
Tests failed    :   32 ( 7.2%)
Tests passed    :  219 (49.4%)
Time taken      :  181 seconds

ctype on integers [ext/ctype/tests/001.phpt]
ob_iconv_handler() [ext/iconv/tests/ob_iconv_handler.phpt]
Translit UTF-8 quotes [ext/iconv/tests/translit-utf8.phpt]
OpenSSL private key functions [ext/openssl/tests/001.phpt]
a script should not be able to modify session.use_trans_sid
use_trans_sid should not affect SID [ext/session/tests/015.phpt]
rewriter correctly handles attribute names which contain dashes
serializing references test case using globals
rewriter uses arg_seperator.output for modifying URLs
rewriter handles form and fieldset tags correctly
File/Stream functions [ext/standard/tests/file/002.phpt]
Bug #21131: fopen($filename, "a+") has broken position
Simple math tests [ext/standard/tests/math/abs.phpt]
Various pow() tests [ext/standard/tests/math/pow.phpt]
Simple math tests [ext/standard/tests/math/round.phpt]
Bug #20934 (htmlspecialchars returns latin1 from UTF-8)
htmlentities() test 1 (cp1252)
htmlentities() test 10 (default_charset / cp1252)
htmlentities() test 13 (default_charset / EUC-JP)
htmlentities() test 14 (default_charset / Shift_JIS)
Test strcspn() behavior [ext/standard/tests/strings/strcspn.phpt]
Test strspn() behavior [ext/standard/tests/strings/strspn.phpt]
XML parser test, function callbacks [ext/xml/tests/xml001.phpt]
XML parser test, object tuple callbacks [ext/xml/tests/xml002.phpt]
XML parser test, xml_set_object callbacks [ext/xml/tests/xml003.phpt]
XML parser case folding test [ext/xml/tests/xml004.phpt]
Relative and absolute arg handling [ext/xslt/tests/bug20177.phpt]
Don't override xslt_set_base (bug #20518)
Various ways to provide xml and xslt arguments and params
Crash xslt_process with reused handler (this test may take a while)
xslt_set_object function [ext/xslt/tests/xslt_set_object.phpt]
xslt_setopt function and public entities

Please allow this report to be send to the PHP QA
team. This will give us a better understanding in how
PHP's test cases are doing.
(choose "s" to just save the results to a file)? [Yns]: y

Please enter your email address.
(You address will be mangled so that it will not go out on any
mailinglist in plain text): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bus error (core dumped) 
*** Error code 138

Stop in /root/php-4.3.0 (line 155 of Makefile).
[root@sparc64 php-4.3.0]# gdb -c php.core sapi/cli/php
GNU gdb 4.16.1
Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for
This GDB was configured as "sparc64-unknown-openbsd3.2"...
Core was generated by `php'.
Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error.

Dwarf Error: Cannot find referent at offset 506.
(gdb) bt
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[root@sparc64 php-4.3.0]# cat config.nice 
#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure

'./configure' \
'--prefix=/usr/local/php' \
'--with-openssl' \
'--enable-bcmath' \
'--enable-calendar' \
'--with-curl' \
'--with-gdbm' \
'--with-freetype-dir' \
'--enable-gd-native-ttf' \
'--with-imap' \
'--with-mcal' \
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' \
'--enable-xslt' \
'--with-expat-dir=/usr/local' \
'--with-iconv=/usr/local' \
'--with-xslt-sablot=/usr/local' \
'--with-expat-dir=/usr/local' \
'--with-iconv-dir=/usr/local' \
[root@sparc64 php-4.3.0]# 

OpenBSD 3.2 (GENERIC) #8: Thu Oct  3 20:00:17 MDT 2002
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc64/compile/GENERIC
total memory = 134217728
avail memory = 115785728
using 819 buffers containing 6709248 of memory
bootpath: /pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3,0/disk@0,0
mainbus0 (root): SUNW,Ultra-5_10
cpu0 at mainbus0: SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi @ 299.825 MHz, version 0 FPU
cpu0: physical 32K instruction (32 b/l), 16K data (32 b/l), 512K
external (64 b/l)
psycho0 at mainbus0 addr 0xfffc4000
SUNW,sabre: impl 0, version 0: ign 7c0 bus range 0 to 2; PCI bus 0
IOTDB: 7c6000 to 846000
pci0 at psycho0
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 1 "Sun Simba PCI-PCI" rev 0x11
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
ebus0 at pci1 dev 1 function 0 "Sun PCIO Ebus2" rev 0x01
auxio0 at ebus0 addr 726000-726003, 728000-728003, 72a000-72a003,
72c000-72c003, 72f000-72f003
power at ebus0 addr 724000-724003 ipl 37 not configured
SUNW,pll at ebus0 addr 504000-504002 not configured
sab0 at ebus0 addr 400000-40007f ipl 43: rev 3.2
sabtty0 at sab0 port 0
sabtty1 at sab0 port 1
comkbd0 at ebus0 addr 3083f8-3083ff ipl 41: layout 34
wskbd0 at comkbd0: console keyboard
com0 at ebus0 addr 3062f8-3062ff ipl 42, mouse: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
lpt0 at ebus0 addr 3043bc-3043cb, 30015c-30015d, 700000-70000f ipl 34:
fdthree at ebus0 addr 3023f0-3023f7, 706000-70600f, 720000-720003 ipl
39 not configured
clock0 at ebus0 addr 0-1fff: mk48t59: hostid 8093c4db
flashprom at ebus0 addr 0-fffff not configured
audioce0 at ebus0 addr 200000-2000ff, 702000-70200f, 704000-70400f,
722000-722003 ipl 35 ipl 36: nvaddrs 0
audio0 at audioce0
hme0 at pci1 dev 1 function 1 "Sun HME" rev 0x01: address
nsphy0 at hme0 phy 1: DP83840 10/100 media interface, rev. 1
hme0: using ivec 3021 for interrupt
vgafb0 at pci1 dev 2 function 0 "ATI Mach64 GT" rev 0x9a
wsdisplay0 at vgafb0
wsdisplay0: screen 0 added (sun, sun emulation)
pciide0 at pci1 dev 3 function 0 "CMD Technology PCI0646" rev 0x03:
DMA, channel 0 configured to native-PCI, channel 1 configured to
pciide0: using ivec 1820 for native-PCI interrupt
wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: <ST34342A>
wd0: 16-sector PIO, LBA, 4103MB, 8894 cyl, 15 head, 63 sec, 8404830
wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 1 drive 0
scsibus0 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <GoldStar, CD-ROM CRD-8240B, 1.24> SCSI0
5/cdrom removable
cd0(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2
ppb1 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "Sun Simba PCI-PCI" rev 0x11
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
siop0 at pci2 dev 1 function 0 "Symbios Logic 53c875" rev 0x14 using
on-board RAM ivec 10
scsibus1 at siop0: 16 targets
siop1 at pci2 dev 1 function 1 "Symbios Logic 53c875" rev 0x14 using
on-board RAM ivec 11
scsibus2 at siop1: 16 targets
creator0 at mainbus0 addr 0xfebee000: Creator3D, model SUNW,501-4788
wsdisplay1 at creator0: console (std, sun emulation), using wskbd0
pcons at mainbus0 not configured
No counter-timer -- using %tick at 299MHz as system clock.
root on wd0a
rootdev=0xc00 rrootdev=0x1a00 rawdev=0x1a02


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