ID:               21478
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Verified
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: linux
 PHP Version:      4CVS-2003-01-06 (dev)
 New Comment:

Another reproducing script:

Happens with HEAD as of today.
./configure --with-gd --with-zlib-dir=/usr --with-mysql --enable-ftp
--enable-bcmath --enable-maintainer-zts --enable-sockets
--with-gmp=/usr --with-imap --with-imap-ssl=/usr/src/openssl-0.9.6g

I've gotten similar results with simpler ./configure lines and simpler
scripts, but this is the configuration that is immediately available to

class debugfilter extends php_user_filter {
  function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing) {
    while ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in)) {
      $bucket->data = strtoupper($bucket->data);
      stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket);
      $consumed += strlen($bucket->data);
    return PSFS_PASS_ON;


$fp = fopen("test.txt","w");
stream_filter_append($fp, "myfilter");
stream_filter_append($fp, "myfilter");
stream_filter_append($fp, "myfilter");
fwrite($fp, "This is a test.\n");
print "Done.\n";
// Uncommenting the following 'print' line causes the segfault to stop
// print "2\n";  

Previous Comments:

[2003-03-26 18:18:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this is a suspicious function inside my code, but i dont know if its my
fault or not... you can spot that this function is a class member
($this references inside), the rest of the class is unimportant..

a comment on this page from "giorgio dot galloNOSPAM at
NOSPAMdedalomedia dot it" describes pretty accurate behaviour i
pressume on my side, but the result beeing segfaults and not some
spooky/eerie values.

nowhere here does it say i should do stuff like:
$v = &$object; return $v;
inside functions which return references, correct? should i?

ill pack up my current code and try two sollutions, one to use $v =
&$object; return $v;... and the other just to plainly remove the "&"
infront of the function name and make it return by value...

can i please get some feedback on this, my mail is open, and i'm
willing to help you in any way possible...


[2003-03-26 05:43:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this bug just doesnt seem to get away fully... i've acctually (on the 
safe side) got around to compile 4.3.1 stable official release and
it on the software.. 
i still get occasional random segfaults.. but the problem is that they

occur after some time, and i cant reproduce them in any way, because 
they are TOTALLY random.. 
is a funny memory leak of somekind possible? 
im getting more bugs than ever, and i can't seem to put a finger on 
either one of them, it appears every time i start gdb on apache i cant

bring it to crash... i tried this now for atleast an hour, with no
ugh it hit me... thread safety perhaps? i've tried in gdb and as far as
understand that is only 1 thread.. and i couldnt reproduce it inside 
gdb... i have ... to go over it
extensions i really use are ftp, gd2, sockets, mysql, xml, aggregate (i

think this isnt an extension, but i noticed "object overloading" in 
phpinfo somewhere).. im unsure about the rest.. 
is it possible that one of theese extensions isnt quite thread safe? 
i also use stuff like "function &mod($name)" inside an object to return

a reference to an object.. and then $var = &$obj->mod("name"); to 
assign it in the code.. since this is the.. one.. probablly only major

change i did to the code besides using aggregate() and ... well.. 
nothing else... 
dual proc or not, the segfaults still happen... 
my next "sollution/test" will be to remove references from the code and

try to solve modularity in a more "global" type of way... to see if the

crashes go away... i have about a week to come up with something, 
then it's serious ass raping time, cause ill miss a BIG BIG BIG 
if someone wants to look at the code, i have no problem in putting up a

tgz with a test database.. but realise that a small reproducible script
wishfull thinking.. just the /include dir should be around 170k (but it
clean code, really ;)) 
any guides how i could debug this in threaded mode / all apache 


[2003-03-25 10:55:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm setting back to verified, since polita infact has a reproducable
version above?

As i said, i might be wrong and mine is not related to politas
directly, but the same behaviour applies (only a bit different
backtrace which leads me to the conclusion that the behaviour might not
be related).


[2003-03-20 17:06:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Closed then.


[2003-03-20 03:06:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sniper: i tried the latest stable snapshot (php4-STABLE-200303200830)
and i couldnt reproduce the bug anymore..

but then, if its as elusive as polita said in #2 any changes to the
code might have made it dissapear (had lots of them in the last 2

I also tried php4-200303182230 to confirm that that might not be the
case, but it has gone away also... if i spot any more segfaults ill do
the wise thing and archive the scripts / database, if it can be
reproduced ;)


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