ID:               22758
 User updated by:  bibifoc23 at yahoo dot fr
 Reported By:      bibifoc23 at yahoo dot fr
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Linux 2.4
 PHP Version:      4.3.2RC1
 New Comment:

I use prefork for apache2 and the following command line for php and

 ./configure --with-mpm=prefork --prefix=/app/apache2

 ./configure --prefix=/app/php432 --with-config-file-path=/app/php432
--enable-sigchild --enable-inline-optimization --without-mysql
--without-pear --with-ldap --with-apxs2=/app/apache2/bin/apxs

Previous Comments:

[2003-03-25 08:35:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Which ap2 model are you using, worker or prefork?


[2003-03-21 03:13:07] bibifoc23 at yahoo dot fr

I run test with 2 PC--> one linux 2.4 as server and w2k as client.

i use ab -n1000 -c5

result with handler:
  60.02 req/s without failed request.
  200 ko/s
  cpu is 100% for the client
  near 100% for the server

result with filter:
  200 req/s without failed request
  600 ko/s
  cpu is 25% for the client
  100 % for the server

the size of the html code is 3k.


[2003-03-21 01:08:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Set correct status.


[2003-03-20 22:53:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

can you give us some numbers?
also how are you running the test. you need to run on 2 seperate



[2003-03-18 05:13:16] bibifoc23 at yahoo dot fr

When i test the performance of the new apache2handler sapi, there is a
huge difference with apache2filter sapi.






for ($i=0; $<100;$i++)
  echo $i;


On Redhat 7.3 and apache 2.0.44, the apache2filter give a better result
than the apache2handler.

i compil php with the same module in both case.



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