ID:               11447
 Comment by:       liamr at umich dot edu
 Reported By:      per dot persson at gnosjo dot pp dot se
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Linux (RedHat 6.2)
 PHP Version:      4.0.4pl1
 New Comment:

Could you guys update the documentation to reflect this?
Just reading the sections on switches and the alternate syntax, I
thought that this would work..

<?php switch ( $fruit ): ?>
    <?php case 'pears': ?>

I understand Zeev's response to Vlad, and having to do this instead...

<?php switch ( $fruit ): 
    php case 'pears': ?>

but there's no mention of this in the docs.

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-15 16:47:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spaces are indeed significant.  Here's why.

<? switch($var){ ?>
  <? case "alpha":

Is equivalent to
<? switch($var) {
print "  ";

The two spaces outside the PHP blocks are a valid two character HTML

<? switch($var){ ?>
<? case "alpha":

is equivalent to:

<? switch($var){
  case "alpha":

which is valid.

Vlad was wrong, the bug is not valid :)


[2001-06-19 17:16:53] per dot persson at gnosjo dot pp dot se

Observe that the spaces are significant.

This doesn't work:
<? switch($var){ ?>
  <? case "alpha":

This does!:
<? switch($var){ ?>
<? case "alpha":

I suppose that the interpreter converts text outside <? ?> to echo
statements, so that the first code block is equivalent to:
<? switch($var){
  echo '  ';
  case "alpha":
This code block gave the same parse error as the first one!
(Expecting T_CASE or T_DEFAULT or '}')


[2001-06-19 12:29:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The bug is valid - if you close and reopen the PHP tags between the
switch and the case statement, it is going to bark at you. It

This does not work:
<? switch($var){ ?>
  <? case "alpha":

This does:
<? switch($var){
  case "alpha":

Why in the world would anyone do that, is a whole other issue, still
they probably expect to be able to do just that. If they can't, we
either need to document it as such, (thus re-classify this as
documentation problem) or fix it. I do not know what it takes to fix
that, but it is a valid report nevertheless.



[2001-06-13 14:58:29] per dot persson at gnosjo dot pp dot se

Which style I use, the "classical" style (using {}) or the
"alternative" style (using : and endswitch), doesn't matter; the
problem is the same.

Sniper's comment about using <? ?> several times is surely justified
when having one-line code as in his example, but when it comes to
multi-line code, there is an issue of readability. I think that script
A below is easier to read than script B. Don't you?

--- begin script A ---
<? switch($var): ?>

  <? case "alpha": ?>
  <? break; ?>

  <? case "beta": ?>
  <? break; ?>

  <? default: ?>
  <? break; ?>
<? endswitch; ?>
---  end  script A ---

--- begin script B ---

  case "alpha": ?>
<? break;

  case "beta": ?>
<? break;

  default: ?>
<? break;

  endswitch; ?>
---  end  script B ---


[2001-06-13 10:18:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use the {} instead of the : / endswitch; 


  switch ($value) {
    case: ?>


And anyway, using <? ?> too much is really not good idea.
This is just stupid: <? some code ?><? more code?><? code..?>


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