ID:               24858
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      jr-php2 at quo dot to
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Program Execution
 Operating System: Red Hat Linux 9.0, kernel 2.4.21
 PHP Version:      4.3.2
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-29 14:36:01] jr-php2 at quo dot to

FYI, I tried adding a "ignore_user_abort(1);" call to the top of the
script but it did not help. I guess ignore_user_abort() probably has no
effect when PHP is used as a CGI binary?


[2003-07-29 13:51:05] jr-php2 at quo dot to

Apache version: 1.3.28
PHP version: 4.3.2, used as a CGI binary:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php-cgi --enable-track-vars
--with-mysql --with-zlib --enable-discard-path

I have found that if page loading is cancelled by the user (e.g. by
closing the Internet Explorer window) before fclose() & proc_close()
are called, a zombie process is left behind.

Try the code below (save it as 'testx.cgi'). During normal execution,
you'll see this:

27551 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/php-cgi/bin/php testx.cgi
22800 ?        Z      0:00 [ls <defunct>]

If you let the page load completely, both processes go away from the
process list.

If, however, you close the browser window before the sleep() call
finishes, about 70% of the time a zombie process is left behind:

27551 ?        Z      0:00 [testx.cgi <defunct>]

I have to restart Apache (1.3.28) to kill this process.

Reproduce code:
$descriptorspec = array(
   0 => array("pipe", "r"),  // stdin is a pipe that the child will
read from
   1 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout is a pipe that the child will
write to
   2 => array("file", "/dev/null", "a"), // stderr is a file to write
$process = proc_open('/bin/ls -al /tmp', $descriptorspec, $pipes);
if (!is_resource($process)) die("Error: proc_open failed");





Expected result:
There should be no zombie process left over when the user cancels the
page load.


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