ID:               24928
 User updated by:  phpbugs at localpin dot com
 Reported By:      phpbugs at localpin dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition
 PHP Version:      4.3.1
 New Comment:

The observant reader will notice that the sample code should use the
the variable $msg rather than $fileline:

error_log($msg, 3, $dev_filename);



Previous Comments:

[2003-08-04 01:07:53] phpbugs at localpin dot com

There is an inconsistency whether error_log gives a newline or not when
sending output, only based upon whether the file is not named (message
type 0) or named explicitly (message type 3).

i.e. when doing "error_log($msg)" a newline is automatically appended,
but when doing "error_log($msg, 3, $myfile)" a newline is not
automatically appended.

e.g. error_log($msg) gives:
1. My msg
2. My msg
3. My msg
4. My msg

but error_log($msg, 3, $another_file) gives:
1. My msg 2. My msg 3. M
y msg 4. My msg

Since in both cases the output is to a file, it seems to me that this
is inconsistent.  Either BOTH should give an automatic newline, or

One can even imagine the case where the filename for both is identical
(e.g. both use the file "error.log"), yet because you specify the name
of the file explicitly, you don't get a 'free' newline char.

Reproduce code:
var $counter = 1;
var $log_elsewhere = true;
var $msg_prefix = "This is test number: ";
var $dev_filename = "c:/Program Files/Apache
Group/Apache/logs/dev_error.log";$elsewhere_log_name = 

while (true) {
  $msg = $msg_prefix . $counter;
  if ($log_elsewhere) {
    error_log($fileline, 3, $dev_filename);

    // The following line should not be necessary
    error_log("\n", 3, $dev_filename);
  else {


Expected result:
Without the extra newline sending, I would like the output to be
identical in both cases.


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