ID:               19325
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      screen at brainkrash dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Apache related
 Operating System: Win2000
-PHP Version:      php4-win32-200211061900
+PHP Version:      4-win32-200211061900
 New Comment:

wrong version used -> bug got lost. Closing since I can't reproduce
this with latest stable CVS.

Previous Comments:

[2002-11-06 14:20:57] screen at brainkrash dot com

The problem still persists in the latest daily build.


[2002-11-06 09:25:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2002-09-10 07:33:03] screen at brainkrash dot com

Ok, i've created the simplest example I can. Unfortunately it's not as
simple as i'd like. It requires a php handler to be defined in apache.
The example handles a page request for the defined path in apache. It
checks the requested type and includes php files with an output buffer
function which then registered a shutdown function. This is done so
that the output can still be captured if the requested php file
performs an exit;. The crash doesn't occur unless the requested file
generates multiple browser requests for files within the handled path
(i haven't tested with files outside this path).

Here's the link to the example:

the README.txt file contains apache conf, file layout, and reproduction


[2002-09-10 06:00:40] screen at brainkrash dot com

Through a long night of compiling i've generated the following debug
information. I hope it's helpful. As far as generating code, i'll try
and see what I can do. To be honest i'm completely uncertain as to even
where to begin. I'll try though...

Unhandled exception in Apache.exe (NTDLL.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access

Call Stack:

NTDLL! 77fcb032()
_emalloc(unsigned int 10, char * 0x00a709bc `string', unsigned int 227,
char * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0) line 154 + 62 bytes
_estrdup(const char * 0x005896d0, char * 0x00a709bc `string', unsigned
int 227, char * 0x00000000, unsigned int 0) line 335 + 25 bytes
sapi_get_default_content_type(void * * * 0x005de040) line 227 + 29
php_apache_get_default_mimetype(request_rec * 0x00726fb8, void * * *
0x005de040) line 456 + 10 bytes
send_php(request_rec * 0x00726fb8, int 0, char * 0x00727b58) line 551 +
13 bytes
send_parsed_php(request_rec * 0x00726fb8) line 578 + 13 bytes
ap_invoke_handler(request_rec * 0x00726fb8) line 517 + 10 bytes
process_request_internal(request_rec * 0x00726fb8) line 1308 + 9 bytes
ap_process_request(request_rec * 0x00726fb8) line 1324 + 9 bytes
child_sub_main(int 0) line 5928
child_main(int 0) line 5998 + 9 bytes
_threadstartex(void * 0x005ddf80) line 212 + 13 bytes
KERNEL32! 77e887dd()


EAX = 00000000 EBX = 00000247
ECX = 00000000 EDX = 043814D0
ESI = 04380000 EDI = 04380298
EIP = 77FCB032 ESP = 0127F9C0
EBP = 0127FB58 EFL = 00000246 CS = 001B
DS = 0023 ES = 0023 SS = 0023 FS = 003B
GS = 0000 OV=0 UP=0 EI=1 PL=0 ZR=1 AC=0
PE=1 CY=0 ST0 = +4.97601634110320460e+3400
ST1 = +0.58830211741752350e+4085
ST2 = -0.00828635751169817e+4399
ST3 = +0.00000000000000000e+0000
ST4 = -3.97005806646183370e+4383
ST5 = +0.00635385167867965e+4930
ST6 = +9.64965820312500000e-0001
ST7 = +2.00000000000000000e+0001
CTRL = 027F STAT = 0120 TAGS = FFFF
EIP = 1024929D CS = 001B DS = 0023
EDO = 0127F264


  77FCAFFF   add         byte ptr ds:[0FFFh],al
  77FCB005   and         ax,0F000h
  77FCB009   jmp         77FCC95D
  77FCB00E   mov         byte ptr [edi+5],al
  77FCB011   push        dword ptr [ebp-30h]
  77FCB014   mov         esi,dword ptr [ebp-5Ch]
  77FCB017   push        esi
  77FCB018   call        77F83573
  77FCB01D   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-30h]
  77FCB020   mov         eax,dword ptr [ecx+8]
  77FCB023   mov         dword ptr [ebp-128h],eax
  77FCB029   mov         ecx,dword ptr [ecx+0Ch]
  77FCB02C   mov         dword ptr [ebp-12Ch],ecx
> 77FCB032   mov         dword ptr [ecx],eax
  77FCB034   mov         dword ptr [eax+4],ecx
  77FCB037   cmp         eax,ecx
  77FCB039   je          77FCD49C
  77FCB03F   mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-30h]
  77FCB042   movzx       ecx,word ptr [eax]
  77FCB045   sub         dword ptr [esi+28h],ecx
  77FCB048   movzx       eax,word ptr [eax]
  77FCB04B   add         ebx,eax
  77FCB04D   mov         dword ptr [ebp-58h],ebx
  77FCB050   cmp         ebx,0FE00h
  77FCB056   jbe         77FCB065
  77FCB058   push        ebx
  77FCB059   push        edi
  77FCB05A   push        esi
  77FCB05B   call        77FCBA97
  77FCB060   jmp         77FCB4E2
  77FCB065   mov         word ptr [edi],bx
  77FCB068   test        byte ptr [edi+5],10h
  77FCB06C   je          77FCD4D6
  77FCB072   cmp         bx,80h
  77FCB077   jb          77FCD4E0
  77FCB07D   and         byte ptr [edi+5],10h
  77FCB081   lea         edx,[esi+178h]
  77FCB087   mov         dword ptr [ebp-150h],edx
  77FCB08D   cmp         dword ptr [esi+170h],0
  77FCB094   je          77FCD544
  77FCB09A   movzx       eax,bx
  77FCB09D   push        eax
  77FCB09E   push        esi


[2002-09-10 05:27:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could you try to isolate a small piece of code that craches Apache?


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