ID:               23580
 Comment by:       php at techmeridian dot com
 Reported By:      maximiliano dot marques at bol dot com dot br
 Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache related
 Operating System: Conectiva Linux 8 Kernel 2.4.19
 PHP Version:      4.3.2
 New Comment:

Yes I have just tried the latest snap from and this
problem still exists!

Previous Comments:

[2003-08-15 08:33:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

And adjust the version accordingly if problem persists.


[2003-08-07 01:38:57] ns at canada dot com

Looks like the caching isn't happening quite like I 
thought it was. Running this script a couple of times 
in the same httpd process:

        print "getmypid() = " . getmypid() . "  ";
        print "ini_get(include_path) = " . 
ini_get("include_path") . "<br />\n";
        print "Setting include_path...<br />\n";
        ini_set("include_path", "/home/users/noam/
        print "getmypid() = " . getmypid() . "  ";
        print "ini_get(include_path) = " . 
ini_get("include_path") . "<br />\n";

shows that the include_path is always as configured in 
php.ini at the beginning of the script. (i.e. the 
ini_set doesn't persist.)

Using Apache 2.0.47.


[2003-08-07 01:13:14] ns at canada dot com

We've been having this problem as well. In support of the caching
hypothesis, here's some info I've collected.

This is PHP 4.3.2; phpinfo() is available at

The include_path for our server is set in php.ini to
".:/usr/share/pear". phpinfo() verifies this as the master setting.

Output from 'ps xaf' showing the httpd processes:

30908 ?        SN     0:02 httpd
30930 ?        SN     0:00  \_ httpd
30932 ?        SN     0:00  |   \_ httpd
30936 ?        SN     1:52  |       \_ httpd
30962 ?        SN     2:00  |       \_ httpd
... (30963 through 30985)
30986 ?        SN     0:01  |       \_ httpd
19881 ?        SN     0:00  \_ httpd
19882 ?        SN     0:00  |   \_ httpd
19884 ?        SN     1:41  |       \_ httpd
... (19885 through 19908)
19909 ?        SN     0:01  |       \_ httpd
11727 ?        SN     0:00  \_ httpd
11728 ?        SN     0:00      \_ httpd
11730 ?        SN     0:15          \_ httpd
... (11731 through 11754)
11755 ?        SN     0:00          \_ httpd

I then ran 'w3m -dump' in a loop, loading this simple php script 100

print "getmypid() = " . getmypid() . "  ";
print "ini_get(include_path) = " . ini_get("include_path") . "<br

I find the output rather interesting. All the requests served by PIDs
in the 30xxx range (one branch of the httpd process tree) are have
consistently incorrect include_path="tes/" (which
is a fragment of the path '/home/sites/'). All the
requests served by PIDs in the 19xxx range have consistently correct
include_path=".:/usr/share/pear". The requests served by PIDs in the
11xxx range have varying include_paths; sometimes, when the same
process served a second request, it had a different include path from
the first time. The include_paths from the 11xxx range are either
".:/usr/share/pear", "2.php", or (in hexadecimal) 0x58 0xCC 0x20 0x20.
What I haven't been able to figure out is where these include_paths are
coming from.

I will see what more I can track down, and zeev, I can check with the
main server administrator to see about getting you temporary access.
What level of access would you need?



[2003-07-23 10:33:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to reproduce this, but so far without any success.  I tried
to stress-test PHP with multiple vhosts and see if there are any
'leaks' of include_paths - but after hundreds of thousands of requests,
there were none.

I'm very interested in what you say about the single-process mode. 
Basically, what you describe is *not* the behavior PHP is supposed to
display.  The include_path settings should go back to its original
setting at the end of each request.  This is also the behavior that I'm
seeing in my setup.

How did you determine that the include_path setting remains 'cached'?

If that is really the case, then it would greatly help if you could
provide me with temporary access to your server, so I can debug this.

If it's not the case, then it appears we're back in square one...


[2003-07-16 07:42:21] katana at katana-inc dot com

We have experienced the same problem here since a few month. I was told
that it was gonna be fixed in 4.3.2 but it looks like it's still here
(we were warned by a disk full error because of the error logged filled
with failed includes from an auto_prepend file that belongs to another

We can't upgrade to a snapshot since it is a production server.

We are running Gentoo but the same was happening with RedHat 8, running
apache 1.3.27.

The only fix was to change MaxRequestPerChild to 1...


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