ID:               16411
 Comment by:       floggersg at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      vielina at hn dot vnn dot vn
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         MSSQL related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.3.0
 New Comment:

2k adv server

i get this error when i run a simple hello world sript. I also get a
cannot read memory error on the server... any ideas?

Previous Comments:

[2003-06-18 14:53:26] jwhatcher at hotmail dot com

win 2000 advance server
php 4.2.3

Happens on two servers running the .exe version. I have try to switch
to .dll but crashes on odbc transactions.


[2003-06-17 10:00:44] cemal at dalar dot net

I have the same problem
Windows 2000 Server sp3
php 4.3.1
MsSQL 2000 sp3


[2003-05-12 07:23:03] pedro at fundacaounimed dot com dot br

I think I find the solution for this problem...
Just put this line "cgi.rfc2616_headers = 1" on php.ini.
Please, send us a message if it works. I had this problem during much
time and looking for solution, I saw that many others have it too.

PS.: sorry if there is some english error.


[2003-03-27 00:27:00] no at dontwantspam dot com

On occasion, I get it on my win2k workstation running PHP 4.2.x on IIS5
with a max of 10 connections (limitation of the workstation version). 
Usually only happens when I start up multiple browsers to check the
display of a single page and constantly refresh each one while tweaking
my code.  Most of the time, there are no database calls involved (and
only mysql is installed).

However, also have it on another win2k machine with PHP 4.3.1 on IIS5
and mssql.  CGI header misbehaving occured on a test site with less
than 10 people accessing it, and the server is configured for heavy


[2003-02-08 20:26:16] xd1013 at 163 dot com

part for my connection class as fllow
class Connection{
        var $CID;
        var $Status=0;
        //Establish Connection to SQL Server
        function open($Host=CON_HOST,$User=CON_USER,$Pwd=CON_PWD){
          if($this->Status==1) return $this->CID;
      $this->CID=mssql_connect($Host, $User, $Pwd); 
          return $this->CID;
        function execute($sql){
          return mssql_rows_affected($this->CID);
        //Close Connection
        function close(){
          return mssql_close($this->CID);

} // end class


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