ID:               25460
 User updated by:  beckman at purplecow dot com
 Reported By:      beckman at purplecow dot com
-Status:           Closed
+Status:           Bogus
-Bug Type:         Documentation problem
+Bug Type:         MySQL related
 Operating System: FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE #0
 PHP Version:      4.3.3
 Assigned To:      georg
 New Comment:

If your supposition is correct (phpMyAdmin is broken), then why would
mysql_list_fields("crt", "assignments") with a currently valid open
link to the database attempt to use the table mysql.assignments?  Even
if you give it a link, it uses the mysql database to find the table.

While I'm not a C/C++ programmer, I read the code for that function.  I
noticed that ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE2 was added in 4.0 beta 3, and wonder
if THAT function is somehow causing this obscure occurence of this bug.

Why do I think it is a bug?  Because mysql_list_fields DOES work as
advertised in the code I could come up with.  HOWEVER, in that specific
example in phpMyAdmin, it does not.  I'm wondering if somehow
ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE2 is returning the wrong mysql->conn that is being
used to connect to the DB and list the fields from a table.  

If any connection to a database can be used to read any DB from that
connection, and just before running mysql_list_fields I can do a "show
fields from crt.assignments" and it works using both a defined
link_resource or leaving it blank (using the currently selected
connection), why would mysql_list_fields("crt", "assignments") fail on
the next line?

I swear it isn't bogus.  And if it is, I'll buy you a beer or something
and hang my head in shame.

Previous Comments:

[2003-09-10 03:50:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

In case this was a PHP problem, snapshots of the sources are packaged
every three hours; this change will be in the next snapshot. You can
grab the snapshot at
In case this was a documentation problem, the fix will show up soon at

In case this was a website problem, the change will show
up on the site and on the mirror sites in short time.
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.


[2003-09-10 03:43:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

assigned to myself 


[2003-09-10 03:43:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mysql_list_fields is deprecated, use SHOW COLUMNS FROM table 
[LIKE 'foo'] instead. 
This should be documented in the manual. Reclassified as 
documentation bug. 


[2003-09-09 15:47:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This works as advertised. phpMyadmin is broken.


[2003-09-09 15:09:16] beckman at purplecow dot com

Synopsis: mysql_list_fields should ignore the currently selected
database, since the name of the database is clearly being passed to the
function.  But the function uses the currently selected database rather
than the database specified in the function.  

Using MySQL 4.0.14 and PHP 4.3.3, mysql_list_fields($db, $tbl,
$link_identifier) uses the most recent connection to mysql, not the
connection specified in $link_identifier.

I've tried to reproduce this problem, and the only place I can is in
phpMyAdmin 2.5.4 dev.

It seems that mysql_list_fields ignores the link_identifier it is
passed and uses either DB "mysql" or uses the most recent connection.

When testing, here's what I did.

In phpMyAdmin, I selected my database, then selected "Query."

I now get an error saying "#1146 - Table 'mysql.assignments' doesn't

So I got into the code in db_details_qbe.php.  On line 132, this line

    $fld_results     = @PMA_mysql_list_fields($db, $tbl) or
PMA_mysqlDie(PMA_mysql_error(), 'PMA_mysql_list_fields(' . $db . ', ' .
$tbl . ')', FALSE, $err_url);

The function is as this:

    function PMA_mysql_list_fields($database_name, $table_name,
$link_identifier = FALSE) {
        if ($link_identifier != FALSE) {
PMA_convert_charset($table_name), $link_identifier);
        } else {

When echo'ed, it was executed as "mysql_list_fields("crt",
"assignments").  So I decided I should try using the link identifier

    $fld_results     = @PMA_mysql_list_fields($db, $tbl, $userlink) or
PMA_mysqlDie(PMA_mysql_error(), 'PMA_mysql_list_fields(' . $db . ', ' .
$tbl . ')', FALSE, $err_url);

Got the same error.  So then I was concerned that $userlink wasn't the
correct link to the database in question.  So I did this on line 131:

   $r = mysql_query("Show tables from ".$db, $userlink);
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)) { print_r($row); }

And it gave me a list of all the tables, including assignments (first).
 So I dropped the $userlink from the above code and tried it again. 
Worked.  So then I thought, maybe $userlink isn't using the
mysql_select_db that I think it is.  So I changed the query to "select
count(*) from assignments" and it failed, so I assume $userlink is
working off of the assumption that the currently selected database is

mysql_list_fields should ignore the currently selected database, since
the name of the database is clearly being passed to the function.  But
the function uses the currently selected database rather than the
database specified in the function.  

I wasn't able to use a simple $link = mysql_connect, mysql_select_db,
then see mysql_list_fields fail.  I went through the phpMyAdmin code as
completely as possible, but I'm fairly certain that it is a fault in
the php functions, based on the documentation.  I believe it may be
related to or similar to Bug #22661.


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