ID:               25570
 User updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      robert at profundis dot se
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP1
 PHP Version:      4.3.3
 New Comment:

> Do you have output buffering enabled?

No. My tests has been with fresh/default installations of both Apache
and PHP.

I did now test to set output_buffering = On, in php.ini. phpinfo()
reports it to set to '1' (rather than 'On'). The problem remains, and
perhaps somewhat more frequent with this setting.

Any pointers as how to debug PHP under Windows are welcome, I haven't
been able to find any information about this.

Previous Comments:

[2003-09-17 18:57:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you have output buffering enabled?


[2003-09-17 06:43:58] robert at profundis dot se

Another piece of info. While testing a script like:

    for($i = 0; $i < 15000; ++$i) $output .= '-';
    echo $output;

The script (and server) dies inside the echo() function. Still it
occurs seldom, usually when the script hasn't been executed for a
while, or when brutally reloading the page.

Robert Andersson


[2003-09-17 05:48:38] robert at profundis dot se

After some investigation it seems as this bug was introduced in PHP
4.3.3RC3. I have tested the following versions:

4.3.2     -- OK
4.3.3RC1  -- ?
4.3.3RC2  -- OK
4.3.3RC3  -- Crash
4.3.3RC4  -- Crash
4.3.3     -- Crash
4.3.4-dev -- Crash

With the versions designated 'OK', I was unable to reproduce the bug.
The '?', I didn't test.

I performed the test by constantly reloading (holding down F5) on a
<?php phpinfo(); ?> document.


[2003-09-17 04:39:10] lys_007 at yahoo dot it


  // OS: Win 2000 Professional
  // Apache 2.0.47
  // PHP 4.3.3
  // It worked on older versions of PHP/Apache,
  // on PHP 4.3.3/Apache 2.0.47 it causes a browser 
  // crash

  $todisplay = "";
  for($i = 0; $i < 300000; $i++) {
    $todisplay .= "Hello word<br>\n";
  echo $todisplay;



[2003-09-17 03:24:49] robert at profundis dot se

Apache 2.0.47 / PHP 4.3.3
Windows XP Pro SP 1

It is similar to bug 24958 (,
reportedly fixed a while ago, but...

In short: Sometimes a request cause Apache/PHP to crash, and restart

This first came to my attention when a visitor complained that very
often two pages failed to load (the notorious IE "error" message). I
noticed that these two pages where the largest PHP generated ones, 12 &
14k while others were about 5-6k. A sniff revealed that the TCP session
was terminated immediately after the request to these pages.

I then noticed in Apache's error log a frequent line:
"[notice] Parent: child process exited with status 4294967295 --

I now understood that this happens from time to time to others as well,
but that the request was resubmitted so it simply produced a little
delay while Apache was restarting. However, I cause Apache to crash
perhaps 1 time in 20 requests to this page, while this visitor seem to
do it 3 times in 4 requests. No clue what would make this difference.

I am now usually able to reproduce this myself, by quickly reloading
the page; the bigger the output, the more likely it is to cause the

A document like this:

<?php for($i; $i < 15000; ++$i) echo '-'; ?>

And requesting it two times in perhaps 2/10 second, will in almost all
cases cause the crash.

I have also verified this behaviour in the latest stable 4.3.4-dev
build (

I cannot trace this crashing (in the log) before a few days ago when I
upgraded from 4.3.1-dev to 4.3.3.

Robert Andersson


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