ID:               25649
 User updated by:  lew at mailduct dot com
 Reported By:      lew at mailduct dot com
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Filesystem function related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      4.3.3
 New Comment:

As I pointed out, this used to work on an older 4.X series of PHP.  My
use of feof is consistent with what the PHP4 documentation states. 
Therefore, please elaborate if you believe it is not a bug.  Without
continuously doing a "stat" and bytecount of the file (aka: wasteful
look), how else would you implement this?  The behavior of "end of
file" detection has been changed, thus creating this problem.

Previous Comments:

[2003-09-26 06:30:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Actually this is not really bug. The way you try to implement 'tail -f'
is inherently wrong.


[2003-09-24 20:17:03] lew at mailduct dot com

My typo.  Make that:  $fh = fopen( '/var/log/maillog','r' );


[2003-09-24 20:12:15] lew at mailduct dot com

The behavior of "feof" has changed with the newer versions of PHP
(4.1.1 exhibited different behavior).  I believe 4.3.X has a problem
with how it handles "feof" under FreeBSD.

For example, suppose I want to "tail" a logfile that keeps growing,
such as "maillog" or even "httpd-access.log".  In the old PHP, once I
reached the end of file, "feof" would become true.  If a process
*added* to the file, then "feof" would become false until I read to the
end of the file again.  This is consistent with "tail" behavior.  Under
the new PHP (4.3.X), once "feof" becomes true, it *never* goes false
again.  Thus, it is *impossible* to "tail" a file!!

Reproduce code:

$fh = fopen( '/var/log/maillog' );

//  Endless loop, for testing purposes
while( TRUE ) {

  //  Perform a "tail" on a growing logfile
  while( !feof($fh) ) {
    $log = fgets( $fh,512 );
    print( $log );

  //  We've hit the end, until more data ready
  print( "EOF detected... sleeping\n" );
  sleep( 1 );


Expected result:
I expect to see all the lines contained in maillog until we hit the
EOF.  Then I expect to see the "EOF detected" until more lines are
added to maillog via another process.  At that point, I expect to see
the new lines of data until we hit the new EOF point again.

If I replace "fopen" with "popen" like this:
  $fh = popen( 'tail -f /var/log/maillog','r' );
then it works.  But I shouldn't have to spawn off a tail to do what the
older 4.1.X version of PHP used to do.  Someone has changed something
in how EOF is detected (and reset). 

Can you please see if you can find the cause of this.

Thank you for listening.

Actual result:
test line 1
test line 2
test line 3
EOF detected... sleeping
EOF detected... sleeping
EOF detected... sleeping
... forever ...
EOF detected... sleeping

(even though maillog continues to have more lines appended to it,
either through a daemon or a simple "cat more.txt >> /var/log/maillog"


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