ID:               12061
 Comment by:       salmanarshad2000 at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:      peters at connection dot ca
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         IIS related
 Operating System: Win 2K
 PHP Version:      4.0.6
 New Comment:

None of the tips and tricks mentioned here worked, though the
phpMyAdmin people said that the solution is present somewhere on this
page. I see three frames, each containing a "CGI Application Misbehaved
..." error whenever I try to view phpMyAdmin. However, if I refresh
individual frames one by one in phpMyAdmin they appear, but this work
around is not elegant. I believe that some thing goes wrong when
simultaneous requests are thrown at php and it doesnot get a chance to
complain. The confing I am using is:

PHP:        4.3.3 / win32 executable CGI
MySQL:      3.23.32
phpMyAdmin: 2.5.3
Webserver:  IIS 5.1 on Win XP Professional, SP1
Hardware:   Intel P4, 2GHz

The same software combination *was working* when I was using it on Win
2000 Profesional on Intel P2, 266MHz machine.

Previous Comments:

[2003-08-28 03:52:43] Jason dot Petit at Vaillant dot co dot uk

OK, I was getting the exact same errors sometimes on both frames
sometimes only on the left or right frame.  I think I found what is
causing it :P

In you have the following line:

$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://localhost/PHPMyAdmin';

Notice there is no "/" at the end but their example does.  By removing
the "/" my pages started to work....

2 years late but I only just started using php.


[2003-07-10 15:13:05] michael dot jensen at dnp-services dot com

My 2 cents on the CGI error issue:

The CGI error discussed here also happens, if you done everything
strictly to the books (aka. install.txt), but have a multi-user setup
on Windows 2k, and have your account within the Administrators (and
probably any other restricted) group.

Then, any new directory you create, inherits rights from your group.

For IIS to be able to access your directory properly, you must have set
access rights for "Everyone" for the folder where your php (or, for
that matter, any other CGI) scripts are located.

Allowing the default settings (for "Everyone") to be inherited while
denying "Write" access rights (you don't want to have those) works fine
for me.

Using php -i, or php <myfile.php> from the command line does NOT reveal
this problem: it works just fine. The problem only occurs when you want
to access the page from any browser.

Hope it helps.



[2003-06-11 15:24:35] jwhatcher at hotmail dot com

I am using advance server running iis on several machines with php. I
understand that this error means many things. What does it mean when
you get it intermit tingly? I go to the page and get the error. Refresh
the page and it loads. It doesn't happen every time nor does it occur
on the same page. But it happens frequent enough to be a problem. Is
there any correlation between the exe version and the error. Reason I
ask is because on one server I run the dll I have not had one single
502 in my log file. But with the exe it occurs every day.


[2003-04-18 03:00:30] reznor at geeksanon dot ca


I'm writing in regards to this error----->
  cgi error:
  The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
  returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it
  did return are:

I've been to every message forum around the world and back and got
nothing.  What it did get me looking at lots was the php.ini file.  I
run a Win 2000 Server with the latest greast PHP 4.3.1 mySQL and IIS. 
When it hit me like a bull in a china shop, I've got this all up and
running on my XP pro system to test my code on, let's look at that
php.ini file, so I did.  And I saw it.....

XP setting: doc_root =
IIS setting: doc_root = C:\Inetpub\wwwroot

OK so I set my IIS php.ini doc_root to the XP setting
doc_root = 

...and WaBLAM! It worked!


[2003-02-26 14:06:32] garlandj at hotmail dot com

The "misbehaving" error is generated from working with notepad, then
saving the file:

What actually gets saved is this:

Be sure to drop down the menu to All Files *.* to eliminate the default
.txt extension from be appended. Alternatively, enable viewing of
file-extensions and delete the .txt from the end of the file.

I cannot however figure out the "undefined variable" problem with
Windows 2000/XP.  If you have a form and create a post action, the data
should be passed so that:
I should be able to use HTML like this:
<input type="text" size="5" value="" name="myvar">
And then use PHP in the same, or separate PHP file to reference the
variable with $myvar.  This does NOT work with Windows.  When this
variable is referenced in the code, an undefined variable error
results.  Editing the php.ini file is NOT a solution, but does get rid
of the error (of course!)  Instead of displaying the error, the data is
non-existent/empty/not displayed/inacessible.

I found a webpage that used the following to obtain all variables, so
the data IS being processed and IS accessible, but not as it should

This code (found elsewhere) will list all variables and correctly
display their contents:
    print "Posted variables: <br>";
    foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key=>$value)
        print $key . " = " . $value . "<br>";
I suppose one could use this as a work-around.
Any ideas?


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