ID:               25753
 Comment by:       thorv at tiscali dot no
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Critical
 Bug Type:         Apache related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      4CVS, 5CVS
 New Comment:

One virtual server (without .htaccess) sometimes gives this warning:
PHP Warning:  head(): Failed opening 'themes/theme.php' for inclusion
(include_path='/first/path:/second/path') in /header.php on line 31
The path for this virtual server should have been the php.ini path
(include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php/"), but obviously another virtual
server has 'leaked' a local path.

The content of the "offending" virtual hosts .htaccess file is:
   php_value include_path "/first/path:/second/path"
   php_flag register_globals off

I can sometimes (but not reliably) reproduce the error by accessing the
"offending" virtual host a few times, and then access the site that
gives the error message. 

Have had no problems prior to Apache 2.0.47 (reported bug#24120), PHP
4.3.3 on Mandrake 9.2.

Previous Comments:

[2003-10-24 22:46:18] clemmon at eventerra dot com

I'm not sure if I am on to something or not, so I will pass this info
on to those that obviously know more than me.  I am getting the
"open_basedir restriction in effect" in Moregroupware.  It appears that
the error consistantly appears at lines with the following;
"require('mime_mapping.php')".  These calls appear in packages
horde.mime and horde.mime.viewer.  The rest of Moregroupware appears to
function without issue.  I hope this helps and does not clutter the


[2003-10-22 04:01:39] mattias at segerdahl dot info


I accidently ran into this bug a few moments ago. I talked to Derick
about it in the channel and we agreed I would do some testing. There
are some particular strange behaviour.

I will try to explain as well as include the files needed to reproduce
this error. But first let me point out one thing that I find really

This only occurs when the apache server has not been accessed for a
while, if you reload the page directly after you've encountered this
error message, it will work perfectly.

The error message is:

Warning: Unknown(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/var/www/ is not within the allowed
path(s): (/var/www/ in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown(/var/www/ failed to open
stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0
Warning: (null)(): Failed opening '/var/www/'
for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php//lib/php') in Unknown on
line 0

My php.ini file
My httpd.conf file

Server version: Apache/2.0.47
Server built:   Oct 20 2003 18:39:21

PHP 4.3.4RC4 configured as:

'./configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/httpd/bin/apxs'
'--enable-mbstring' '--with-pear' '--with-mysql'
'--enable-magic-quotes' '--with-ftp' '--sysconfdir=/etc/php'
'--with-config-file-path=/etc/php' '--prefix=/usr/local/php/'
'--enable-mbstring' '--with-curl' '--enable-ftp' 

APACHE configured as:
./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/httpd/conf --enable-ssl
--prefix=/usr/local/httpd --enable-modules=dso,most

Contact me on efnet if you need more information... // bad2da


[2003-10-04 18:58:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We do not know what causes this bug or how it can be reliably
reproduced. If you know exactly HOW this can be reproduced, add the
information here. Any other comments will be deleted.


[2003-10-04 00:48:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If (for example) one virtualhost configuration has
set "php_admin_flag register_globals off", in some situations the
setting persists between requests.
-> php.ini settings are NOT reset between requests.

1. php.ini has register_globals = On
2. Request is made into 
(which has "php_admin_flag register_globals off")
3. Next request (same apache child) is made into (which
does not have the setting)

This applies to ALL php.ini directives.

Some related reports:

bug #6374 (include_path in .htaccess across multiple vhosts)
bug #7174 (Round-robin -like values for include_path)
bug #19292 (Random error: open_basedir restriction..)
bug #21564 (corrupted paths coming to open_basedir)
bug #23462 ("php_admin_value open_basedir" in httpd.conf)
bug #23580 (Random values for include_path)
bug #24282 (Strange Open Base Dir Restriction Errors)
bug #24974 (random open_basedir errors)
bug #25172 ($HTTP_HOST sometimes empty)

For all who think they're experiencing this problem:
DO NOT add any comments here unless you have some extra information to
give which is not already given in above mentioned reports. 
Any comment which has no extra value will be deleted.


Edit this bug report at

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