ID:               26613
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      sabio71 at hotmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Zlib Related
 Operating System: slackware 9.1 stable patched
 PHP Version:      4.3.4
 New Comment:

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Previous Comments:

[2003-12-15 06:08:51] sabio71 at hotmail dot com


yes ILIA, for sure :) !!!. I'm using ie 5, ie 5.5, ie 6, netscape 6,
mozilla, konqueror, even lynx ...

i've made some other attempts, in particular i've checked if

1) for some reasons apache was not passing through to php
"accept-encoding" but, obviously it is not the case

2) it makes thing behaves differently pokeing with php.ini, like
setting [output_buffering = 4096; AND output_handler = ob_gzhandler]
[output_handler = ; AND zlib.output_compression = On]
and calling ob_start() instead of ob_start("ob_gzhandler")

none of the two seems working.

Moreover, it seems the semantic of calling sequence ob_start ...
ob_end_flush has changed a bit from version 4.2.3 (yes i know it is
VERY VERY old and perhaps the changed behaviour il well documented)

in few words, i'm using an old version of ez-publish (2.1) that works
with apache 1.3.27 and php 4.2.3 on linux...
with that combination the system works and compress the http output

on a apache 1.3.29 with brand new php 4.3.4 simply it doesn't...
moreover (but this is ez-publish code-base fault) on php 4.3.4 there
are some Warnings that impose modification to code-base in order to get
a working configuration...
(a not so painless up-grade :) )

however the simple code

[short script descripting]
still doesn't send a compressed stream...

hoping to be the more clear that i can

greetings from italy


[2003-12-13 13:59:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What makes you think ob_gzhandler is not working? Are you certain your
browser supports zlib encoding?


[2003-12-13 04:48:03] sabio71 at hotmail dot com


[configure line]
./configure --with-mysql --with-apache=../apache_1.3.29

[changes to php.ini]
for legacy reasons: register_globals = On

simply put, it seems it doesn't compress ...

i strongly believe is my fault, but i'm not able to figure why

i've tried also with "output_handler = ob_gzhandler" but nothing

Reproduce code:
[short script descripting]


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